I believe sometimes we forget those who were there since day one. The ones who gave us birth. The ones who taught us right from wrong. The ones who loved us unconditionally despite our wrongs. Sometimes we forget, and it's alright because that does not mean they do not matter us -- it's just we simply forget. We forget to thank them, hug them, kiss them on the cheek, bless them, help them and tell them how much they are worth to us. I know I have, multiple times to be exact and not on purpose but, simply because I am tangled up in my own life that I forget.
To the ones who made me, I want to say thank you for everything you did and are doing. Thank you for the sacrifices you had to do to get me to where I am today. Thank you for pushing me to strive forward. Thank you for teaching me that I can do all things. Thank you for teaching me that a man is not going to fill in all of my desires yet, God. Thank you for teaching me to fight for what I want and to not give up. Mama and Papa, thank you for making me into who I am today.
To the ones that shaped my mind, I want to thank you for the countless hours of patience in helping me figure out how to write better. Thank you for the times you took aside to make sure I understood the problem. Thank you for not giving up on me for look at how far I've come. Professors and Mentors, thank you for your guidance.
To the ones that scarred me, I want to thank you for helping realize somethings about myself. Thank you for the times you allowed me to rise up for myself and speak my mind. Thank you for stirring the pot, for that allowed me to wake up the force that was within me. Thank you, for now, I know who I am.
To the one who stuck by, I want to thank you for the years of friendship you have granted me. Therefore, I know that even though we are not blood-related we are sisters. For when we first met, only knowing a drop of English, crazy Rebelde fans and young girls attending a school named after Maria Sanchez; never in our minds, we would have known our friendship would have lasted many years.
To the ones who lead me to Christ, I cannot thank you enough for giving me this gift. For If it weren't for your countless times of encouragement, prayers, and guidance; I would probably have strayed aside.
So, once again thank you to the ones who made me, shaped me, scarred me, stuck by me, and lead me. For if God did not put you in my life, I'm not sure of how things would have turned out.
All in all, to the one who is reading this, take some time today and reflect on who is prevalent in your lives and thank them for being there. Thank them for everything they do for you. Thank them because sometimes we do forget and don't take them into account. So, don't let a day go by without you thanking the ones who made you, cared for you, taught you, saved you, etc. For in the end, we don't know how much time we've all got.