He was great and everything I had wanted, but I couldn't keep him so here's some advice for the one who gets him next.
He has a really good heart and when he says there is nobody else please believe him. Please take interest in what he wants to do (even if you suck at frisbee golf), because doing what he enjoys will make your relationship stronger. Don't tease him about watching Anime. Don't judge him for things he cannot control or things he has done in his past because they are not who he is now. Don't ask him why he hangs out with a few friends he secretly doesn't like because he won't answer your question because he's really stubborn. Please know that he thinks about his future a lot and is concerned about how you will fit into it. You should know that he will make you laugh for hours and then make you cry when you have to drive back home because you realize he is worth it. You shouldn't take everything so seriously because he likes to goof around a lot. He doesn't like upsetting you. His favorite color is red. He isn't good at talking about his feelings and doesn't like it when he can't see you as often as he would like. His family comes before you do. He will try his hardest not to get mad at you even if you do something stupid. He likes showing you what he makes and apologizes when he takes you to a fast food restaurant because he feels like you deserve more than that. Don't move too fast in your relationship- it makes him uncomfortable. He is bad at making decisions so when he asks you what to do tell him what you want to do. He won't take you for granted so please do not take him for granted. He really cares about you. Please don't let him leave you like I let him leave me.