Dear Middle School Me,
Please, stop worrying. Stop worrying about how you look, how much you weigh, how much makeup you're wearing, what kind of clothes you're wearing, what you're eating, what people think about you, how many friends you have. Just please, stop worrying. There are so many years ahead of you that you have left to worry. I want you to spend the rest of your time being a kid, before you start being treated like an adult and before you have to deal with college and your GPA.
Eat that donut that you see, don't go overboard, but it's OK to let yourself enjoy the sweet things in life. You want to go out to get ice cream with your friends after that movie you just saw? Do it. You're young and you'll bounce back a lot quicker than you will in 10 years. Weight should not be your main concern right now. Step away from the scale and enjoy your life with your family and your friends. After all, you're only young once.
Put down your phone and spend time with your best friend who is sitting right across from you, because I promise you that when you're in college, over 300 miles away, you're going to regret every time you did this. You'll regret it because you will be missing your best friend and you will be wishing that you had taken every advantage you had to spend every moment with them.
Don't wear so much makeup. You have the next 50 years of your life to pile on all the makeup you want. Let your skin breathe and keep it free of makeup (it will help keep the breakouts away, too) Let yourself be young, there is no need to look older while you are the age that you are.
Tell mom and dad that you love them. Give them a hug before you leave to go somewhere and make sure they know you love them. Cut them some slack, too. They love you so much, that's the only reason they are sometimes hard on you and strict; they have your best interest in mind and want you to be the best person that you can be.
Don't worry about what other people think of you. If they don't like how you constantly laugh or how you're always so silly, don't change who you are but change who you hang around. Always be yourself and don't ever let anyone try to take away your sunshine.
I know the years seem like they are going by so slowly, but please make the most of them. You're going to be out of middle school, and then high school, in the blink of an eye and you will be missing your friends more than ever. You'll be sitting in your college dorm room and there will be nothing you want more than your friends from home. Sometimes it takes people who have known you the longest to know what you really need.
Don't let you days at home go to waste. Enjoy every moment because I promise you that, no matter how much you complain about the state that you live in, you will miss home when you go away to college.
Stay strong little fighter, everything will get better soon.
Your College Self