In this current day and age, it is easy to get caught up in the whole competitive landscape where we all try to outwork the person next to us. Sometimes, it’s necessary and sometimes, it’s do or die. However, one thing that took me 4 years to learn at The University of Texas at Austin is to not only work really hard, but to make time for loved ones.
You see TV shows like Suits, in which all the characters work extremely hard and half of theshow is filmed at the office with only the moonlight coming through the windows. We believe this idea of ‘work until you cannot or else you aren’t going to make it in America’. Don’t get me wrong, you should always work hard for your dreams and success.
Just don’t forget about the people you love.
This is to all the ones that got you there, the ones that cheered you on at each success, the ones that never stop believing in you despite your failures, the ones that will be at your wedding and all your birthdays. For me, it’s really easy to stick my head into my work and forget about my best friend from home or to study hours on hours continuously and forget to ask how my mother is doing. As I’m growing up, I seem to be more appreciative of everyone that has gotten me where I am today. Then, I begin to realize how much time I don’t spend catching up with them.
“What if that is the way it’s supposed to be when you want to achieve your goals?”
“It’s okay. I’ll see them when I visit home.”
It does not have to be like this though.
We should all try our best to keep up with those that support us. Try our best to never let go of those that are good to us. Realize that we are not alone, and we could not have achieved anything we have today without constant push from our supporters.
Call your parents and thank them. Text your friend from home and ask how they’re doing. Schedule a meal with your best friends in college once a week. Take time to do the things your friend wants to do just to spend time with them. Skype or Facetime people you can’t see in person to keep up with their lives.
It only takes 5 minutes to show gratitude for the clutch ones in your life.