Sorry for the lack of Kamen Rider Content, I'll do more Kamen Rider content once I feel better. Over the course of this recovery of sickness. I decided to watch some Disney Movies to entertain myself. But realizing one documentary popped open for recommendation to watch on Netflix. It was Bat-Kid Begins. I remembering reading about in the past and I forgot it made a real impact on the world. So I decided to lay down and watch it and man, tissues, all over the place. I feel so bad for Miles and his family, I will always give my support. I recommend watching this documentary, everyone needs to see it. One kid made a big impact and it goes to show you, not all cops are bad, not all actors.actress are stuck ups, not all politicians are bad and so on. We constantly want to be right and afraid to be wrong and Miles (Bat-Kid) showed us how to come together in one nation, One Unit in the World, Equality! You can watch the documentary on Netflix.
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