When you watch the Olympics every year, you're watching the sports and supporting your country. Well, that's how it used to be. Media has turned this year's Olympics into something much more, and that's not in a good way. There are some things that have been pointed out to me thanks to the media, but most of it has been irrelevant information that has nothing to do with the outcome of the sports or anything else.
A sport that has been getting a lot of attention is swimming. Men's swimming specifically. Michael Phelps, specifically. The internet has continuously made fun of him and really made him out to be some egotistic jerk. There needs to be a line between respecting an athlete and things that are just uncalled for.
Gymnastics has always been a sport everyone is interested in and likes to watch because what the athletes are capable of is so unbelievable. There are multiple black girls on the USA team as there are on other teams also. I just don't know how relevant the way a young girl who is sweating, and doing something that you couldn't do on your best day, is wearing her hair. The thing that bothers me is the people who are commenting on her hair the most are black, there is no way unity is going to be achieved if you can't even understand what she's doing or at least try to. Like she didn't make sure to get her hair pressed and done before she went to perform, but she managed to get the gold, but somehow her hair is getting all the attention.
Let it be known, Gabby Douglas and Simone Biles are incredible athletes, and that is what they care about. They care about the sport they're playing, they are living out their dreams, they care about who they are as people, but somehow all you can see is their hair and the color of their skin. There was an article that I found particularly interesting because it shows you really that losers focus on winners while winners focus on winning. An Italian gymnast said, "Maybe next time we'll paint our skin black so we can win." Carlotta Ferlito is 18-years-old, for her to have this mentality is sad, and she should be old enough to know better. She does not realize everything she says a direct reflection of not only herself but her country as well. In America being black does not give you any type of privilege, our athletes win because they are talented because they perform. Gabby Douglas was also attacked for what she did at one of the ceremonies. On, August 9th, 2014 a young black man's life was taken as a cop felt he had the right to do so. Gabby Douglas didn't put her hand over her heart during the national anthem on the anniversary of his death and America did not find this justifiable. You know what they did find justifiable? They find it justifiable when Donald Trump did not put his hand on his heart with no reasoning behind it at all. You know what they did find justifiable? The killing of this young man two years ago.
People should be watching these sports for the right reason, and looking to support your country instead of looking for every little thing that is done wrong. The USA is winning, and Americans should be proud.