Chloe Kim winning gold at 17, Shaun White making his big comeback, Husband and Wife duo Alexa Scimeca Knierim and Chris Knierim swooning over each other as they take the ice to compete, and the winners wrapping their country's flag around them and crying as their national anthem plays. Yeah. It's emotional stuff.
You better believe that my stomach was in knots as Shaun White awaited to see his scores after his final perfect run to see if he won gold. I was so hype and nervous... I cannot even IMAGINE what he was feeling. We've all had moments like that (well obviously not being in the Olympics, duh) where we are excited and anxious and pumped up and ready to bounce off the walls either from a great performance/game/etc. or waiting for results. I'm just saying, it's so exciting.
2. The achievement
These people have worked so hard, it's insane. And it definitely hits me in the feels when all that hard work pays off for them. They put their blood, sweat, and tears into these sports. It's their LIFE. I mean come on, look at Chloe Kim's family after she won!! AWW. A gold medal in their event? More like a gold medal in making me cry...
3. The frustration
Okay, so we all know how the announcers for figure skating have been pretty savage this year (which can be entertaining, don't get me wrong) but seeing someone fall or miss a mark, or go out of bounds, or whatever... it's kind of heartbreaking. Now don't even get me started on the emotional-ness of when they get back up from falling–that's a whole new level.4. The sense of nationalism and camaraderie
Chanting USA! USA! USA! Is a real thing, guys, and I completely understand why. This event is meant to bring the world together and despite all of our differences and whatever conflicts we may be having, we come together to compete (and to watch) in these games. These athletes are representing their countries–their HOMES, and all of the people living there. And again, despite their individual differences, teams and bonds are formed. It's truly an awesome thing if you ask me.
5. The medal ceremonies
*Cue National Anthem and flag drop* The coaches are smiling and crying, the athletes are smiling and crying, the families of the athletes are smiling and crying, everybody's smiling and crying.
Pyeongchang 2018 has been a hit so far, with many of our favorites being adorned with gold. GET EXCITED!!!! And just remember no one is judging you if you have to break out the tissues.