The Older You Get, The More You Appreciate Disney | The Odyssey Online
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The Older You Get, The More You Appreciate Disney

Just think of the happiest things, it's the same as having wings! - Peter Pan

The Older You Get, The More You Appreciate Disney

I just visited the happiest place on Earth. Most of you will know this place as the wonderful Walt Disney World located in Orlando, Florida. Growing up, I always had a passion for seeing my favorite characters in person. Like any other kid, I was constantly trying to see when I could go back to my favorite place with my favorite people. There was never a time where I wished to not be in Disney as a little girl. Now, I look at myself, already half-way done college, and STILL find myself more excited than the children in the line in front of me to meet my favorite character. Sometimes I would find it embarrassing; how many Disney facts I know, or singing all the lyrics to every Frozen song created, but if you think about it, Disney gives you an amazing opportunity to live your childhood over and over again. It ALWAYS gives you something to smile about and never disappoints.

As college students, we are constantly in that state of not feeling good enough, or just crying too much about grades. When was the last time you realized you could be anything you wanted? College makes you forget that, but Disney helps you remember that. If you’re a parent or grandparent reading this, you will understand how happy little kids can be when they make a visit to the magic kingdom. You’ll know how they feel when they tell you how excited they are and how much they love you for taking them because you did the same thing when you were their age. I had witnessed parents showing so much happiness when their child was selected for Belle’s play, or watching their kid’s reaction when they first saw Mickey Mouse in person. They are so proud of their children and having the faith like a child is something we should all strive for. The faith that anything is possible, including waiting in line for all the characters in sight, or getting fast-passes to some of the best rides the parks have to offer. But most importantly, having the belief that you can always have a magical day, even if you aren’t in the happiest place on Earth.

I would do anything to go back to the good ole’ days where dressing in a costume was something to look forward to, and there wasn’t a worry in the world for what others thought about you. This world can be so judgmental, and it can be hard to show the love you can hold for just old cartoon characters and classic rides no one ever gets tired of. Seeing little kids get excited made me realize it is okay to still have a love for Disney. Even though when you’re older, you learn that the characters are controlled by human beings, and the pixie dust in the air is controlled by a machine and not a tiny fairy, you still learn to appreciate all that Disney does for children of all ages to make their stay beyond magical. What I’ve learned over past Disney visits is that you cannot let someone tell you that you are “too old for Disney.” Last time I checked, Peter Pan reminded us to “never grow up.” As long as Disney keeps giving me that happiness and pure joy, I will forever be a Disney fan.

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