It is an invisible affliction. A type of pain that cannot be seen, but can be felt. Tommy stops showing up to Physics class. You stop bringing your backpack to class. Your life has become a reflection of Kevin's chili explosion and Andy's Costa Rica mid-life crisis all in one. You're suffering from senioritis; there is no known cure.
Even the parts of senior year that you're supposed to enjoy seem like a hassle. Ever wonder how a show can so perfectly describe your feelings? Michael Scott has done it again; here are 10 times the Office understood exactly how I was feeling during my senior year.
1. You're 18, so you should have your life together, right?
The stability of my life in a picture.
2. Rolling up to class 25 minutes late
That's if you even bother to show up.
3. "Who are you taking to prom?"
It's 2018. Maybe I'll take my dog to prom?
4. "Where are you going to college?"
Haha. If only I knew.
5. 2nd Semester classes? How bout nah.
Don't ask if I did my homework. The answer is no.
6. Thinking about graduation
If only the day could come sooner!
7. The thought of leaving all your gfrands behind
I wonder what life will be like when my best friend isn't just a few streets away.
8.Figuring out where you're going to college
9. Wondering if you reallyyy need to bring your backpack anymore
The answer is no. All I need is a pair of earphones, right?
10. Realizing that this is the last year you'll ever have to take gym
Can I get an BOOYAH! It's not like I ever went to gym anyway...
And a bonus gif because seeing Dwight in multiple wigs definelty relates to your