19. "I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do." | The Odyssey Online
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27 Quotes From ‘The Office’ You Slip Into Everyday Conversation With Your College Roommate

"The Office" has the best quotes.

27 Quotes From ‘The Office’ You Slip Into Everyday Conversation With Your College Roommate

Quotes from "The Office" can be used in everyday conversations with your college roommates. I put together a list of the best quotes and what kind of conversation these quotes can make sense in. Kind of funny how "The Office" script turns into a college conversation.

1. "Oh God, my mind is going a mile an hour."

Anytime one of you sits down to do homework or study or anything requiring your brain.

2. "I am Beyoncé, always."

When one of you sings in the shower.

3. "I am running away from my responsibilities and it feels good."

After a long day of classes/work, one of you is bound to say that.

4. "Should have burned this place down when I had the chance."

When your house/apartment/dorm is a piece of crap and things keep breaking.

5. "I don't care what they say about me. I just want to eat."

Coming home and smashing on everything in the fridge.

6. "I want people to be afraid of how much they love me."

Both of you trying to constantly make new friends.

7. "I stopped caring a long time ago."

Actually, this could be used more than once a day.

8. "Wikipedia is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject. So you know you are getting the best possible information."

Doing homework.

9. "I'm going to die."

When you're being dramatic.

10. "Fool me once, strike one. But fool me twice, strike three."

When that boy from class stops texting you.

11. "I'm not superstitious but I am a little stitious."

The possibility of your apartment/house/dorm being haunted...

12. "I understand nothing."

Both of you. All day. Every day.

13. "I got six numbers. One more would have been a complete telephone number."

Coming home after a party.

14. "I gave up drinking during the week."

Trying to cut back and only get lit on the weekends.

15. "Early worm gets the worm."

Attempting to wake up earlier.

16. "I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them."

When you're reminiscing.

17. "I am one of the few people who looks hot eating a cupcake."

Trying to come up with reasons why someone should date you.

18. "If I don't have some cake soon, I might die."

When you're craving something, specifically cake.

19. "I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do."

Telling each other about your day.

20. "Well. Just tell him to call me as ASAP as possible."

When your roomie is trying to possible hook you up with someone.

21. "It's never too early for ice cream."


22. "Sometimes I feel like everyone I work with is an idiot."

Ranting about your job.

23. "I declare bankruptcy"

After every night of going out.

24. "Sorry I annoyed you with my friendship."

When you *fight*.

25. "I just wanna lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That's all I've ever wanted."

Talking about the future.

26. "There's too many people on this earth. We need a new plague."

When you're late to class and cannot find a parking spot.

27. "That's what she said."

To literally everything.

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