"The Office" is an American TV series originally aired on NBC. The first episode was released in 2005 and had 9 seasons total. This sitcom series videos the everyday life of the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company Scranton Branch office like a documentary. If you are into dry humor, this is the perfect TV series for you!
Need a laugh?Â
Stress Relief part 1 and 2 (Season 5, Episode 14 & 15). Every time I am down and need a good laugh, I will 10/10 times watch this episode! It never gets old and it portrays each character's personality so well.
Need to realize love is real?
Niagara (Season 6, Episode 4 & 5). If you stan Jim and Pam, this is the perfect episode for you. This episode is the moment that we all waited for, when Jim and Pam get married! Get your tissues out.
Need to cry?
I could not pick, so here are two... Goodbye Micheal (Season 7, Episode 22) and Casino Night (Season 2, Episode 22). I think we can all agree that when Micheal Scott leaves, something about the show drastically changes. Sad times, am I right? And of course, I couldn't leave out the moment when Jim confessed his love to Pam and she shoots him down. UGHH the pain!!!
Need to feel better about yourself?
Scott's Tots (Season 6, Episode 12). If you made a huge mistake and feeling really guilty, just compare your mistakes to Micheals... I promise you will feel much better!
Need to realize that work can be fun too?
Office Olympics (Season 2, Episode 3). Make friends with the people you work with and have a little fun. Who doesn't want to work at an office like this one?