"The Office" is THE show of our generation. We have all watched it through, crying through Jim and Pam's love story, laughing at Dwight's ridiculousness, and cringing at everything Michael has ever done.
"The Office" does a great job of creating a similar to life experience of a workplace by following a normal calendar year during each season. The show features Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's, Christmas parties, and, of course, the Halloween specials.
With it being October, I find it entirely necessary to watch every Halloween special, y'know to get in the spooky spirit. So, here's a consolidated list of every Halloween episode of "The Office." I highly recommend you watch all of them before the 31st.
1. Season 2, Episode 5: Halloween
This is the very first Halloween episode written on "The Office!!" It is a big deal! Also, a cringey disaster. Michael is tasked with firing one Dunder Mifflin Scranton employee. Of course, he can not decide on a person, due to his catastrophic need to be liked by everyone. CREED IS ALMOST FIRED. We almost lost Creed, before we even got to know him. What a tragedy that would have been. This episode is iconic. Three-hole punch Jim. Sith Lord Dwight. And, my personal favorite part, the thirty-second scene at the ending, showing sweet Michael giving out candy to children. It is adorable. This was the start of my realization that Michael isn't quite so bad. He's doing his best.
2. Season 3, Episode 6: Diwali
Okay, this is not technically a Halloween episode. However, Michael coins Diwali as "essentially, a Hindu Halloween." So, there you go, it made the list. Poor Michael tells his girlfriend at the time, Carol, show up to Kelly's Diwali dressed as a hot cheerleader. It's a disaster.
3. Season 5, Episode 6: Employee Transfer
This episode is only Halloween-y in the opening. However, this opener is packed with spooky antics. Kelly dressed as Carrie Bradshaw. Stanley wearing a monster mask so he can sleep at his desk. Creed, Kevin, and Dwight ALL as the Joker. And poor Pam, in her New York office. She naively assumes that every American office building dresses up for Halloween. She shows up to her new office dressed as Charlie Chaplin, with her only option being taking off her hat, which then leads people to believe she has dressed as Hitler. Great stuff.
4. Season 6, Episode 10: Murder
This is also not a Halloween episode per se. But, There is murder, and the branch is almost shut down. Both spooky. Going on the list.
5. Season 7, Episode 6: Costume Contest
Shout-out to the opener of this episode, with the staff testing Stanley to see just how oblivious he is to happenings in the office, "Our branch on the planet Jupiter is up eight thousand percent in sales!" Classic. There is an intense costume contest, with the grand prize being The 2011 Scranton Wilkesberry Coupon Book worth over $15,000 in savings. A VERY big deal. Featuring Dwight as the Scranton Strangler, Kevin as Justin Bieber, Gabe as Ke$ha (yuck), Todd Packer as a pregnant nun (yuck x2) and Jim coming through with dressing up as Popeye for Olive Oyl Pam. Adorable.
6. Season 8, Episode 5: Spooked
The Halloween party is very important this year, as Robert California is in attendance. Weird Erin is tasked with making the party "adult" scary. Things get wild. Gabe's horrifying short film is shown. I don't want to talk about it anymore, this is a disturbing scene, ending with Erin whipping out a deck of genitalia playing cards. Objectively, this is the scariest Halloween episode, with a grand finale of super spooky Robert terrorizing the office with strangest ghost story ever. The whole episode was bizarre. I'm concerned about the writers of this episode. Also Robert California in general. Definitely the spookiest episode.
7. Season 9, Episode 5: Here Comes Treble
I love the beginning of this episode. Stuck pumpkin head Dwight is iconic, "Any blow to the pumpkin itself could prove fatal to me." This episode features feminist Pam creating a positive role model for CeCe, as Doctor Cinderella. Hell yea! Also, Andy's acapella group visits the office, which is cringey. The senator, you know married to Angela? Sleeping with Oscar? He comes into the office. Suuuper cringey. Also, Nellie dresses as Toby, and Toby is totally into it (watch this scene at the 10:17 mark). Maybe cringiest thing to ever happen. Spooky times a thousand. I'm still recovering from this situation.