Whether you like it or not, finals week comes twice a year. And every time it brings about stress, anger, frustration and sweet sweet relief when it is finally all over. There's no better way to express this crazy range of emotions than through your favorite characters from The Office. (And it will waste far less time than binging 20 episodes of the show like you want to!)
When your professor says you have a final paper and a final exam.
When your friends drag you to the library and force you to study.
When you realize you need over 100% on the final to get an A in the class.
When you have no clue how to start your paper even though you're staring at the rubric.

When you're trying to find a table in the library.

Even though last week it was empty.
When you start studying for the class you ditched all semester.

After pulling an all nighter.
When you try and stress eat all of your problems away.
When you and your friends need a quick study break.
When you decide there's just no point in studying anymore.

When you study all night and you actually understand the material.
When you're giving a presentation and decide to go off script.

When you walk into your hardest final.
... and when you walk out of your hardest final.
When you forgot to hit save on your final paper.
When your friends won't hang out with you because they're too busy studying.
When you try and write a paper about a topic you know nothing about.
When the stress of the week really gets to you.
When you decide it might be easier to just drop out than keep studying.
When you get your final grades.
When you finally go home for Christmas break.
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