When you finish applying for your loans:
Day one of living with your roommate:
Doing your own laundry and grocery shopping:
Being away from your dog more than 48 hours:
When your parents mention the ridiculous amount of money you've been spending:
Mood all semester walking to 8ams:
When you don't study for an exam and pull off a B:
Overhearing people talking about their ~wild~ night out:
Sitting next to someone in class who's really sick:
Trying to explain how your test went:
Group projects:
Watching to see who keeps taking your parking spot:
Trying to get enough sleep, study, and eat well during finals week:
Driving on campus during peak classroom hours:
When the school's sports team keep loosing but you're still a superfan:
Looking at yourself before you go out in a new outfit:
You and your friends in the Uber on the way to the bar:
- and -
Snap stories of your night out:
Frat boys:
Those people who take intramurals a little bit too seriously:
Getting a noise complaint from your music:
And then turning it back up:
Spending every single second with your school best friend and they ask for 5 minutes alone:
When your roommate makes the smallest sound while you're trying to sleep:
When it's finals week and your teacher won't round your 64 to a B+:
- and -
Leaving your friends for the summer like:
- 'The Office' reboot: Fans really want it - CNN ›
- How to Get People to Work Harder - The Office US - YouTube ›
- The Office on the Beach - The Best Mexican restaurant in Cabo San ... ›
- The Office ›
- The Office US - YouTube ›
- The Office Delray ›
- The Office (U.S. TV series) - Wikipedia ›
- The Office (TV Series 2005–2013) - IMDb ›
- The Office - NBC.com ›