Though it went off the air in 2013, "The Office" is as popular if not more so nowadays than it was when viewers had to wait week by week for a chance to watch a new episode and see what new absurdity would take place next. From all of Jim's pranks on Dwight to numerous notable quotes from Michael Scott, from the random facts we learned accidentally about Creed to the ups and downs of Ryan's career and life -- the show never failed to entertain and keep us hooked. With the help of Netflix, I've seen the show in its entirety several times now, whether watching random episodes here and there when I need a good laugh or committing to re-watching each episode in order, reliving the time before Pam and Jim finally got together, the time when Michael and Jan were somehow in a relationship, the time when Ryan and Kelly weren't a mess (oh wait...). "The Office"is easily one of my favorite shows, and though it's excellent all-around, these particular moments always crack me up.
EntertainmentAug 08, 2016
The Office: 15 Funniest Moments
Go to Netflix, click on a random episode, and I dare you not to laugh.