Odyssey...Everyone who is on social media has read and/or shared an Odyssey article at least once. Anything and everything, from movie reviews to "top 5 reasons to own a yorkie". If you want information, the Odyssey is the place to find it! But for some, this social media platform can become much more than reading and sharing an occasional article. What if you were the one to create one of those "most viewed" articles? That question is what sparked my interest.
I wanted somewhere to put my thoughts on issues that were going on in our generation, and I wanted my voice to be heard. I also wanted an outlet that had nothing to do with schoolwork. The Odyssey provided both of those things! When life begins to get hectic, I can turn to the Odyssey, read a couple of articles, gather inspiration, and write my own article to share. Frustrations, tips, movie reviews, advice. I hope to be able to share it all and create positive discussions in return. Why the Odyssey? It provides an outlet, a free space, an information source, a discussion platform, and ultimately a community of people with interests very similar and very different from yours that you can share thoughts with. I believe one of the best ways to learn is from your peers, and the Odyssey gives that opportunity at your fingertips! "Why The Odyssey?", you ask. My answer? Why not.