Mom, Dad, Thank you. Thank you can't explain how lucky I am to have you two in my life. Working your butts off so that I can go to a college of my choice.
Every day I think about the sacrifices that you two have made for me and how lucky I am to be in the position that I'm in. Disappointing you is the last thing that I want to do, and if I do just know that I'm sorry and I'll learn from my mistakes.
I know that you're always there for me no matter the situation. I know you feel like you harp on me sometimes, but it's ok, I need that. You mold the person that I am today, and I'm content with the decisions I've made and the person who I have come to be.
Mom, your radiant energy, and positivity not only through me but anybody that you enter in contact with is incredible. My friends never say anything bad about you, because you're perfect. You are the most patient person I know, you find the positive in everything, and you work hard with no complaints, I hope to be like you someday.
Dad, your faith, and your leadership is something that is contagious. The way you look at things has taught me not to wait on others, but to go for what I want.
Together, you have taught me the most valuable lessons that not schooling or teaching could have taught me, and no amount of money can be paid to you for the lessons that you taught me. A thank you is all I can give, and that I will try my hardest not only to make you two proud but to make myself proud as well. I love you guys.