You have an amazing game. You have lied to everyone, had an alliance with everyone, and somehow avoided being a pawn. Although you did say you were willing to be, which all of us know is not true. Your face is in a constant state of looking confused. Even when you know completely what is going on, you look sad and disheveled. But, like I said you have controlled this game to no end. I just wish you were more entertaining. You are constantly scheming, have some fun. Entertain us. We don’t need to watch you try to figure out who the biggest target at this very second, even though that will change in two minutes.
For a super fan, you haven’t played like one. You have been quiet and reserved the whole time. But somehow you are still a target, even when you can’t win a competition. I wish I had more to say about you, but I don’t think we have seen enough of you to know more than how smart you are.
You make the show entertaining. This season has definitely lacked in the entertainment factor, but your pranks and scares have made us all laugh. You have fun in the house which is enjoying to watch because we don’t want to see a bunch of people that are miserable all the time. I’m so thankful you won the veto to stay this week because otherwise the rest of the season would be quite dull. Oh, and telling Vanessa to put you up instead of Meg is probably any girl watching’s relationship goal.
You are the sweetheart that we all can’t help to love. You may be terrible at competitions, but that’s okay because you have a legitimate reason unlike others. You and James are super cute and probably have a better relationship than Austin and Liz. I hope you can stay around because now that you have been more entertaining you are enjoyable to have in the house.
I have to give you props on the fact that you actually got Liz to agree to be your girlfriend. I’m really not sure how that happened, but good for you. I hope that in real life you shower more than you do on the show because I’m not sure how you constantly work out outside in the California heat and don’t feel the need to shower. Also, please get rid of your ponytail beard and the braids in your hair. It’s really not a good look, for anyone, but especially you.
Liz and Julia
I might as well write about you together because let’s face it you are pretty much one person. I really don’t know which of your voices is more annoying, but at least you have your looks. Julia, I will give you credit for not liking Austin. Liz, for most people a showmance is the end of their game. But somehow you have made it to your advantage. I hope your parents are happy with your new found relationship because I am sure Austin’s girlfriend isn’t.
Your diary room voice will be the most memorable thing from this season. You were targeted as being a competition novice, but somehow when you need to you just can’t pull the win out, until this most recent one. You have kept us all entertained by how smart and knowing you are in the game. I wish you could have gotten in a better alliance from the beginning because I think that would have made the biggest difference.