Let's face it -- nobody really likes getting their hair done. Sure, the free head massage and not having to put forth your own effort blow drying your hair is nice -- but nothing can forgive the reflection you sit in front of for 2+ hours every six to eight weeks.
"Are my thighs really that wide? Maybe if I cross my legs I'll feel skinnier."
"Are my eyes and mouth really small or is my face that fat?"
"Am I wearing a choker or is that another fat wrinkle on my neck?"
Admit it, we've all been there. Some days, I blame the mirror, other days I blame the pint of Ben & Jerry's I ate sitting in bed shamelessly the night before.
While contemplating the sanity of any guy who was clearly not in their right mind to date me, I begin downloading "eat right" or "get fit" apps on my phone to embark on a new revelation. I carefully plan on how I will execute the perfect weight loss(look perfect) program. Before I know it -- to the washing station.
As my hair lady strokes through my hair I begin to drift away to a time and place where I feel beautiful just the way I am.
Before I know it, my Brazilian blow out has me completely inspired to go grab a spray tan and a manicure. May even stick to eating salads for a week. But we can all count on my return to that wretched chair in six weeks in all my glory -- pale skin, dark roots, and all.