I know little to nothing about politics. I don't do any research on the candidates and I don't really follow what they are doing politically. The only things I am exposed to are the political ads on TV and the opinions of others around me. As someone who doesn't know a lot about the subject I can strongly say that I am annoyed and frustrated with this election season.
I am mad that Trump gets the spotlight so often just because he is rich and ridiculous. He obviously thinks that any publicity is good publicity and so far this has worked really well for him. I don't like the way he treats people. He makes fun of people with disabilities, and I think that's a horrible thing for anyone to do. It's especially horrible for someone who could potentially run our country to be so belittling to others. Trump is an entitled upper class white man and I do not believe he would have the best interest of everyone in mind while running the country.
I am mad that Hillary is also a candidate for our president. So many people are in jail for lesser things and she gets investigated by the FBI and she still gets to run for president?? Someone please explain to me how this works? Although Hillary is not my pick for president either, she is less aggressive in public than Trump and I think that could be good for our country. Other countries in the world might hate us if we elect Trump as president and I wouldn't necessarily blame them.
I liked Bernie and I think he never really got a chance to shine. It's unfair that he didn't go further in the election.
Honestly I might not even vote this time. I feel like my voice doesn't even matter and it wouldn't make a difference who I vote for. Neither Trump nor Hillary have done anything to deserve my vote. Picking between them would be like picking the lesser of two evils. With that said, I will probably go vote and write in someone else. I know there's such a slim chance that a write in could actually win but I feel like it's my only option at this point,
Overall, I'm just disappointed with this election. The choices we have suck and I don't know how it came to this. I'm sick of people in my classes fighting about why they think Trump is so awesome. I'm sick of Trump giving people more reasons to be assholes. I'm also sad that Hillary could potentially be the first female president. Women deserve a better first candidate to represent us.
I might not know all the facts in the election but I know I'm not happy.