Phones -- we have to live with them and we certainly can't live without them. We live in a world where everything we need can be done in the palm of our hands and at the touch of a button, or two. We can email, text, SnapChat, connect, navigate, order food, listen to music, take pictures, and find the answer to just about any question we could think to ask. We have certainly become spoiled by all these capabilities that are so readily available to us. But like any spoiled child, we become a little cranky when the power is taken from us.
For me, this meltdown began in the middle of a workout last when mid-song, my iPhone froze. I was initially annoyed and decided that a restart would do the trick. Well, three days later and my phone is still trying to restart. I began to make a mental list of all the people I needed to call and wouldn't be able to. What if all my photos were deleted? What if my friends were trying to text me? What if I lose all my Snapchat streaks? How would I know the time?
Writing this, I can admit how trivial all those things are but in reality, isn't this how it works? We are so consumed by the things of this world, especially earthly possessions.
It says in Colossians 3:2 to "set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
Ironically enough, earlier this week part of my prayer was for God to take away any distractions in my life that weren't leading me closer to Him. God truly does work in mysterious ways and I think it's safe today that my phone drama maybe wasn't such a coincidence. It's easy to get caught up in texting, browsing Instagram, SnapChatting, checking online grades, and responding to emails. But these things are absolutely nothing compared to the importance of a relationship with Christ.
Living with an earthly mindset means that things like grades, jobs, money, technology, and your social life take precedence in your life. If we are Christians, it is essential to understand that we no longer belong to the earth, but we belong to heaven.
Living with a heavenly mindset means that you understand that your citizenship is in heaven. The trials or pleasures of earth are nothing in comparison to your relationship with the Creator of the universe.
I thank God for answering my prayer this week. Even though this situation may have caused some annoyance or discomfort for me, I am thankful for the reminder that it gave me and I hope that this is something you can consider for your own life as well (hopefully before your phone crashes).