To whom this may concern,
I want to start off with I am not broken or hurt, I am strong and I love myself. I am needy but I do not need you.
1. Loyalty
This is one of the main things I ask from you. Whether you are right down the road or half away across the globe, this is such a major key. If I can't accompany you in making your bed warm with my cuddles, do not fill that spot with someone other than me or there will be lots of T Swizzle being played or we might even throw it back and you might get a Louisville slugger to both headlights with my name carved into your seats. If I am giving you nothing but loyalty, I deserve this in return -- as a woman of God, I know my worth and what I deserve and a one sided loyalty street is not okay. It's quality over quantity so if having two woman in your life is what you want, you go right ahead but I won't be in that equation sweet heart. Loyalty can be hard, I know. The Devil tempts you everyday with suggested people you should follow on Instagram and Twitter -- and oh, they are beautiful. They've got that 10/10 smile, beautiful eyes, bangin' body BUT it is all on how you react to it. If you follow them, fine but know, I probably will follow them too and drool over them along side you but once you "slide into their DMs" -- it is game over Little Mario, I am not going to be your Princess Peach this round. Also, if you are not okay with me doing the same thing you are doing, DON'T DO IT. You treat others with the same respect you want, the same loyalty you want. Loyalty might be hard but if you are willing to try, so am I.
2. Respect
In the bible, it states the woman must respect her husband. The bible says in Ephesians 5: 22, "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord." So therefore, I will submit to you as I do My Lord BUT we are living in 2016 and you will respect me as well. If you think about it, respecting someone isn't that hard. I'm not asking for "Yes ma'am" or "No ma'am" but when I cook dinner, say thank you -- even if it's a little darker on the bottom. When I clean the house, compliment it -- even if I stuffed a lot of stuff in the closet. When I do your laundry, be grateful because odds are, your socks don't smell nice and that stain came from Lord knows where AND one day, we will have little's running around who I will cook, clean and care for as well. By you respecting me, they will also learn to respect me. Respect can be tied into just being nice and if you're nice with a loving heart -- respect will flow naturally. I will give you the up most respect. I will value your opinion and your say (to an extent). If you are telling me to do something because you know it will benefit me and make me a better person, I will do so but if you are telling me to do something out of solemn anger and jealousy -- I will not because that is not caring, that is controlling and that is a no-no. You should care, respect and love your significant other -- so just do it. By showing me respect, you will be blessed with so much more respect on my end, I promise.
3. Jealousy
Honestly, yes I get jealous but what human being doesn't? I am only jealous because I care and sometimes, I think I care way too much. If a girl approaches you, I already have it all planned out what you are going to say to her and when you don't read my mind and do what I wanted, I will get jealous. Which is crazy because what the heck, why didn't you read my mind babe? You were supposed to tell her you have a smoking hot girlfriend who is A1, why didn't you? However, I can assure you, I am working on this. Although, if you aren't giving me reasons to be jealous, I won't get jealous. Also, I don't care for jealousy. Like you have me babe -- chill. This all falls back on loyalty. If you make the commitment and let me know what's up, then I am all yours whether you're here or there, I am yours.
4. Date Night
I believe date night is a must but it's where and when that doesn't hold much meaning to me. You could take me to Maggiano's or Taco Bell or you could even set something cute up on our patio -- I mainly just want to be with you and do something with you. The price of my dinner means nothing, darling but I will look at the check and probably say something. I'm such a cheap date though -- I'm always ordering soup and salads but don't be surprised if a couple times I order a big steak with extra potatoes.
5. Affection
I HATE PDA, let's just get that out there now. Do not kiss me or grab my butt with people around. I understand you are like a puppy who needs to claim their prize but save that for private because I will get flustered and walk off and you will probably look like a creep who just grabbed a random girl's butt. I do ask that you show me affection but not overly in public. Also, if I don't kiss you 24/7, don't get mad and blame yourself. Maybe I just don't want to kiss your luscious lips right this second but give me some time and I will. I have my moments where I am a spider monkey and will tackle you, kiss you, squeeze you, bite you, lick you and that's just my display of affection. I will take pictures of you almost all the time and edit them and upload them to my VSCO and also to Instagram and maybe Twitter. I will send you long messages of how blessed I am to have you and sometimes they will be random or consistent -- just depends if you piss me off and how much I actually like you. I like affection but not too much, crazy I know.
6. Reassurance
Some nights I will fall asleep peacefully knowing you are mine and I am yours. Other nights, I will lay restless wondering if you love me and why aren't you telling me every day? There are just some days where I need to be reminded where your heart and your soul is. I might look crazy because I almost like beg for your affection but if I feel like I’m not getting enough – give me more haha. Normally, I will let you know or I’ll bring up how I like you and here’s a tip: If I bring up how I like you, TELL ME YOU LIKE ME TOO and TELL ME WHY. But other than that, I’m pretty confident in knowing what is mine.
7. Gifts
Obviously, you cannot buy someone’s love but you can buy things that are nice to have (kind of). I am not asking for a brand new car but maybe send some flowers to my work place, get me some food, buy me a cute necklace or hey, Alex and Ani’s are cute with lots of meaning. One beautiful things about gift giving, is you can send me flowers from Texas or Hong Kong. Let me just tell you, I would probably cry if a delivery man showed up with flowers for me because I love flowers. Or even Alex and Ani’s, those can be mailed! I really don’t ask for much but these provide reassurance and they’re so thoughtful.
8. Love
One thing, I will always provide to you is love. There will always be a hand to hold and arms to embrace into. I
am forgiving and loving and truly, there is nothing you can do to change my
mind when it is set. I will push you to be your best whether in the gym, the
kitchen or in your work place – I will push you. I will be your best friend,
your trainer, your maid, your cook, your ride or die but more importantly, I
will be the woman God is blessing you with. You will always have love, support
and respect from me.
So to whomever this may concern, I hope you read this and truly valued what I wrote. You are going to be a lucky man and I will be a lucky girl. We are in this together and we are a team, so we are in this together.
Your 5'2 little cutie who can't wait to show you off and spoil you