So, here we are approaching a new year; it may mean bigger and better things, or could mean the exact same thing. This year has been full of ups, downs, twists, and many turns. I have lost, learned, loved and taught in the best ways that I know how. I have reminded myself and time again that with the new year for me must come change, the change that only I can make. Here are some of the major feelings when it comes to entering the new year.
1. Anxious
Me being the busy person that I am will definitely have to admit that knowing that new year is coming with all new changes, all new opportunities, and all new adventures has me just a tad bit anxious. For some parts of my life, I am a heavy planner. I like to know ahead of time, get things organized and be ready and prepared for whatever is coming my way. With the new year, that will definitely be impossible because you never know what can happen, will happen, and will definitely not be happening.
2. Sadness
This feeling could definitely be for a variety of reasons. One of the most particular reasons is because I am leaving a lot of people in 2016. I'm leaving friendships, what I thought were concrete family relationships, and the thought that certain people would walk back into my life. In some ways, it hurts; in other ways I know that leaving these people where they belong on New Year's Eve will be the best thing that I could do for myself. Once you see that someone is not for you, but they are against you, you know that it's time to let them go.
3. Proud
It would be very wrong for me to write this article without putting in this emotion. Even though this year has had its shares of drama, I've had some moments that I will forever pat myself on the back for. Those moments include attending my first book signing, getting guardianship of my younger brother, and becoming a self published author once again. These are just three of the biggest things that have made my year; and yes, there were definitely more moments than that. No matter what I go through, and no matter what the new year brings, I will always have proud moments to look back upon to remind myself of the strength and appreciation that I exude to myself and others.
4. Excitement
As I've mentioned before, I am a planner and I have already started out my 2017 goal sheet. The goals that I set for myself are what brings forth my excitement. It reminds me that I have purpose and that I can continue to live in it, only in the best way that I know how.
5. Relief
Overall, I know that I can brief a sigh of relief because the things that have happened negatively this year will be in the past. They will be lessons learned and things taught. I don't have to wear myself, because I know that I can only grow from here.