I get it, this election has been not what everyone has been looking for, but, with that being said, there are a group of people who have really been troubling me in the past couple of weeks. That group is the voter who has decided not to vote.
Now, listen, I understand that the options that have been presented to us as a country are not good, in fact, they are almost putrid.
We as American citizens have to choose between a career politician who has gotten to where she is by lying, a 21st century version of Hitler that also happens to be orange, a delusional former governor, and a former doctor who believes that not all of the information on 9/11 has been found and believes that there is a link to vaccines and Autism.
We are really scratching the bottom of the barrel here.
But, just because we did not choose the best people for the office of President, that doesn't mean that the right to vote should not be exercised. That is absolutely insane.
The right to vote is a privilege that not everyone in the world has.
There are some spots on the the globe where people are scared to even leave their houses because they feel like they are going to die. There are also places where the leaders of the country has already been chosen and the people of that country have no choice.
By not voting, you are pretty much saying that you don't care about the fact that you have this chance to make a difference in the direction that your country is going and you are spitting in the face of the founding fathers, who, fought and died for our chance and right to vote.
We have a golden chance to make this country in the way that we want to go to. Just because the choices that have been given to us are not the best, that does not mean that we should not use this chance.
When I turned 18, I made sure that I registered to vote because I knew and still know that it is a privilege that not everyone has.
There is nothing more troubling to me than hearing someone my age saying that they are not going to vote.
The millennials have the most pull of any group of people in this years election. They can harness the gift known as social media to get out what they feel like needs to be heard, this election is made for them.
So, when they do not vote, it makes everything all the more frustrating.
So, in conclusion, whether you are voting for Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, or Donald Trump, get out there and vote. Your country needs you now more than ever.