Hot or Not, Tinder, Bimble...
What happened to meeting a nice boy and getting butterflies when he asks you out on a date and walks you to the door after? This is a concept that is more common in movies and old stories told by our parents than it is in our lives today.
Why the change? New morals, convenience of an app on a phone, or is it a lower society standard?
Nowadays, more people are starting to meet future mates online instead of in person. It is obvious that technology is always advancing and has been for years. Is online dating a byproduct of a world more reliant on technology?
It is way easier to meet people online than in person, and any college kid can agree with that, but are these apps being used to find your soulmate, or are they being used to find a one night stand? Both are outcomes of creating an account, but one is more likely than the other.
Our parents would shame us for swiping right or left on people that we think are hot or not, because it is a foreign concept to them and they are "old-fashioned." Today, it is easier to start a conversation with someone while behind a screen than it is to strike up a conversation in person. So why don't we have those love stories we dream about from the movies we watch? Well, meeting someone on Tinder is most likely going to result in a hookup instead of a cute date where he brings you flowers and kisses you on the third date.
I think the reason for this is that young people want to rush into finding love instead of letting it come when it is supposed to. Society sets expectations of getting married young instead of in your 30s and living a wonderful life with your soulmate. People may become unsuccessful at dating, and that will result in joining an online dating site and falling in love with the person behind the screen when they could have a totally different personality in person. This only makes people upset and feel helpless.
My challenge is this: don't fall for the new trends, and delete Tinder or any other dating app you use. Put yourself out there and don't look for love, let it come to you. While you may find fun out of something like Tinder, you are worth more than that. Wait for that nice young man that picks up something you dropped or the one that helped you out in class. Let him take you out on a date when he asks. We can all have the ultimate Nicholas Sparks love story if we wait for the right person to come along.