Since Donald Trump was inaugurated into the Presidential office, I have to admit I had been very skeptical and leery of the Trump administration, but I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. No longer, however, can I just sit idly by and give them a free pass when all they have to give me is "alternative facts."
What are "alternative facts" you ask? Well if you have to ask, you have 1. been living under a rock or have 2. not bothered to watch the news for the last month, both of which I would highly recommend you go back to if you want to keep your peace of mind. But if you insist, "alternative facts" are "facts" as the Trump administration sees them (and not actual facts, if you're counting).
Examples of the Trump administration's "alternative facts" include some gems like, 'Trump's inauguration had the biggest attendance ever;' 'global warming is not real,' and 'Donald Trump's hair is not his most recognized feature.' Okay so maybe that last one wasn't exactly a point the Trump administration mentioned, but you get where I'm going.
The point is that if the Trump administration clearly believes it is okay to lie about small and petty things (and even the big things) how am I ever supposed to trust that they aren't lying about the important things?
Maybe if this were an alternative world where "alternative facts" were truth and ethics didn't need to exist and qualified people were voted into office, I could. But since it isn't, I think I'll go find a nice cozy rock to hide under for the next four years.