To all those who have siblings, you may agree with me that at times you guys are best friends, and at other times … not so much. My relationship with my siblings is an up and down rollercoaster filled with good times and bad times, as I’m sure many people can relate to. I’m also a triplet, so having two other humans the same age as me is quite an experience, let me tell you.
Sports, and any kind of event that involves winning, are constant competitions. I could fight with my siblings during a family football game (see above) or over who can eat a bowl of cereal the fastest.
We even sometimes come up with signals to disrespect each other so that Mom and Dad won’t yell at us for screaming and yelling at each other. It’s quite a spectacle, I would say.
When one of my siblings says something completely lame and random, my body language looks somewhat like Chandler’s. A snarky comment or a rolling of the eyes may also accompany this motion.
You constantly try and show off your maturity and intellect, possibly by bantering about academic and scholarly topics. This is how you reply when you know you are proving your cerebral worth.
Narcing. A sibling’s favorite pastime. Nothing is better (usually) than knowing you hold a secret that will get your sibling in trouble. You’re just waiting for the right moment. And this is what happens when you have finally unleashed the Kraken. You just sit there happily bathing in the anxiety of your brother / sister.
Yet sometimes, you join together as a team to get away with things. It is easier to pull off pranks and cause trouble as a group than an individual. This is the ultimate sibling bonding time. You can’t judge each other because you’re all equally doing bad and sneaky things.
Every once in a while, your parents may catch a whiff that you’re causing trouble and breaking the rules. You rush over to try to hear your parents discussing your consequences and to figure out how much your parents all know. You have to all have the same story anyways. Consistency is key.
When boredom strikes, you do stupid things. Enough said on that subject.
At the end of the day, you come together and laugh about all the stupid things you have done to each other and reminiscence over all of the times you have spent together. You could never find anyone truly like each other.
All in all, I know that it’s hard to appreciate your siblings all the time. Just try and reach out to them occasionally, be nice and be merry together, maybe cause some mischief for old time's sake, but never forget, you were born into the same family for a reason. Make the most of that.