"I Am Not A Feminist, And That Is Okay."
"Seven Reasons I'm Not A Feminist."
"Why I'm Not a Feminist."
Every once in a while, I will come across an article written by a woman stating reasons as to why she is not a feminist or why she does not think feminism is needed. The authors of these articles tend to be white females. In my own life as a white woman, there have been times where I certainly did feel that I was being treated unfairly or differently simply because I was female. However, I still considered myself privileged. I grew up in an environment that implemented independence and the idea that I could do anything I wanted. The concept that I wasn't capable of doing something because I was female simply did not exist. I was given a great education and went away to college. A life like that would certainly be enough for most to say that I was treated as an equal to any male.
Meanwhile, for every one hour that passes, a girl in India is murdered due to the fact that her groom is unsatisfied with the dowry offered by her family. They are often killed by being doused with gasoline and set on fire.
If you think that simply because you or other women close to you have not experienced inequality in their lives that feminism is not needed, you have completely misunderstood its purpose.
I believe in equality for women everywhere. I believe in equality for myself. I believe in equality for women like me on college campuses whom are too often sexually assaulted or raped and refused justice. I believe in equality for minority women who face more hardships than I ever will. I believe in equality for the woman who isn't getting paid nearly enough as her male coworker. I believe in equality for the girl that got embarrassed and sent home from school for wearing clothing that wasn't convenient for a male's sexuality. I believe in equality for women who are denied educations due to the laws of their country. And that girl that's getting doused with gasoline and set on fire as the hour turns on the other side of the world? I believe in equality for her, too.
The bottom line is that if you do not think there is a need for feminism, you have failed to look beyond your privileged life. That being said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You are most certainly allowed to recognize women being set on fire in a poorer country and say it is not important to you. You can turn the other cheek to women being stoned to death under accusations of being unfaithful to their husbands because they are not women of your own culture. However, to say that feminism is not needed anymore would be pure ignorance. Use your privilege as a platform to recognize these problems and build momentum for change. We are far from finished.