Being the youngest child within your immediate family comes along with multiple pros and cons. Along with the good and bad comes an even longer list of stereotypes of being the baby of the group. Being the youngest comes with many lessons, a lot of laughter, and a few tears along the way. I am here today to dispel the myths of being the spoiled youngest kid. I am here today to spill all of the down and dirty truths of what it really entails to hold this position.
Myth: Younger siblings are snitches
Just because we youngins are not as old does not mean we can't hold a secret. A sacred bond must be created to never rat each other out. Exception; If your sibling(s) turns you in, free game to blackmail them no matter your age.
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Truth: You are closest with your parents
As your siblings go off to live their life you are left alone to fend for yourself, with your parents by your side that is. You are left to take on the stress of finishing up school, graduate and take on all the stress your parents have to give to you. Although you get an extra amount of chores you also get an excess amount of love too. You fall closer with your parents during this time. By the time your sibling(s) come back, your parents will forget you're not an only child, but they will never forget that you are their favorite.
Myth: The youngest gets whatever they ask for
This is very far from the truth in my opinion. I constantly hear that my fellow babies of the families are “spoiled” and “always get what they want”. I am putting an end to this! One does not receive things from parents because of their age, but due to a developed skill alongside being the favorite. PSA to older siblings, if you would like the perks of being the favorite you have to work for it, which isn't easy.
Truth: The older sibling(s) cleared the way for you
By the time you are old enough to get in trouble, parents seem to care less. It's not that there is a lack of care or love, but they have raised your older sibling(s) successfully so what's the worst that can happen with you, right? The rules are bent and twisted for the babies depending on how well your sibling(s) cleared the path for you. Curfews are extended, friends are allowed over in an empty house and the frequency of “where are you?” texts/calls slowly decreases. So thank you to all of the older siblings out there for taking one for the team.
Myth: You are able to get away with anything
Parents have some super sense of knowing when you are guilty or lying to them. Typically every time sketchy shenanigans are occurring your parents are aware before you can even come up with a decent lie. Even if they can't catch on to knowing you were being shady, the guilt will eventually get to you from the inside out and make you spill the beans.
Truth: Once the baby, always the baby
Whether you are 5, 12, 19 or 35, if you were born last you will be the last to be treated like an adult. Most of the adults in your life probably saw you grow up. Strangers you've never seen before will constantly reminisce on the times they saw you in diapers. Your sibling(s) among every other adult will always be in denial about you growing up too fast. Your sibling(s) also will always play the "I'm older" card because you are viewed as an infant in their eyes and always will be.
Being the baby does have its perks, but these perks do come along with some negatives. At the end of the day no matter the youngest or oldest, you can always count on your sibling(s) to be by your side. They are the ones who you can always look up to for words of wisdom, a push to keep going or even some encouragement to do something a little dumb. Although fighting and bickering are mundane activities, the love between siblings is never-ending. A sibling whether they be older, younger or the same age can teach you the most all while being your biggest enemy and your best friend.