If you haven't made up your mind yet about which Republican nominee you're voting for, I have no idea what's taking you so long. Despite the overly bombastic insults from Donald Trump, and his weird way of saying something I agree with (scary I know), like saying we could've used the money from Iraq elsewhere like our infrastructure, every candidate sounds the same.
One talking point they all have is the notion that our military is now extremely weak because of President Obama. They want to rebuild the military and make it the superpower it was when before President Obama got into office.
OK, fair enough I'll bite, let's rebuild the military. First, let's see where spending is at with the military right now. 54% of discretionary spending is on the military you say? You know what, still, that's fine as long as it's consistent with other countries that makes sense, oh shoot it doesn't. Tell me again why we need to "rebuild our military?"
I'm a big time Bernie Sanders supporter and you know what I hear a lot from moderators of debates or town halls when they ask him questions about his plan? How are you going to pay for it? Isn't the era of "big" government over? How much "big" government do you want? Honestly, I'm not mad about questions like that. The media should be asking questions and holding candidates accountable for their plans, and make them go into detail about how they are going to allocate the resources to fund their various programs; my candidate is no exception.
Why aren't they asking those kinds of questions to everyone though? Every debate or town hall they just let the republicans go on and on about their talking points and never challenge the candidates on any of them. Where is the "hey, you know the conservative mantra is 'small' government, if you want to 'rebuild' the military doesn't that go against your principles and " how would you pay for your 'rebuilding' of the military" ? Where is the "did you know the military is 54 percent of discretionary spending? Would you be willing to cut defense like you would other programs to stay consistant with your message of 'smaller' government?"
War is a business my friends. It's not a formal conspiracy, and there's no smoke-filled back room with some evil people from the Illuminati plotting this. It's like-minded individuals with shared interests coming together for their common purpose. Bribery is legal in America because of the Citizens United Supreme Court Case. People can give unlimited amounts of money to a political campaign and that politician is beholden to whoever writes the million dollar checks. The defense contractors pay the politicians, the politicians get into office, and it's like "hey man I scratch your back you scratch mine."
This is why we can't have nice things. We can't "afford" tuition free college, or healthcare for every citizen not because we don't have enough money it's because the system doesn't want to.
If you ever hear someone say we can't afford something, just show them the first chart. It's roughly $600 billion we spend for defense. Can we cut $100, $200, even $300 billion to pay for something and still be safe? Probably, but you won't hear that from the media or our politicians.