The tales of mermaids have been around for centuries and some people believe in their magic still today. From a young age, we are taught that there is the fact and the fiction, and mermaids are deemed to not be real. However, what if these creatures really do exist, and our teachers and parents were just deceived? As a firm believer in the existence in mermaids myself (I may think I was one in a past life, after all), here are the top reasons as to why and how they have to live among us in 2018.
Fairytales, duh.
The most obvious source that fuels the minds of many comes from the most organic (or what we think is the start of everything in our lives) thing from childhood: fairytales. "The Little Mermaid" in particular has made generations of little girls and boys believe in a half-human/half-fish creature; and depending on the version you read or watched as a kid, mermaids can seem like a good or scary kind of people, er, merpeople. Whatever it is, though, if stories dating back centuries tell the tale of this kind of creature the masses have to at least consider its existence.
Some people feel a sort of "connection" to the ocean.
This may not be the case for everyone, but I know this is definitely something real for me. The beach has always been a special place for me- not because of tanning or having fun in the sun- but just being by the ocean always gave me a sort of reassurance and homey feel. My astrology sign is Cancer, which is a water sign after all, as well as my sign ruler being the Moon which also controls the tides of the sea, so maybe this is ultimately why I feel such a connection to it. But even pirates and fisherman also have this strange bond with the seven seas that make them want to devote their career to the salty waves- I guess it's safe to say that maybe we were all merpeople in the past life.
Those "beachy waves" have GOT to come from somewhere.
Okay, so the salty air of the seashore can make anyone's hair wavy and imperfect — but what if this doesn't have to do with the geographic location but through genetics? It sounds crazy at first, but if merpeople existed all those ages ago, their luscious locks that always swept with the tide could've been interwoven in the human genetic code and passed down forever since. This one may be a long shot, but there has to be an explanation for why our hair gets a certain way at the beach.
"Unexplainable" things happen out at sea.
So those pirate stories of women at sea luring them into their lovely traps, or those weird sighting people report on after they go out into uncharted waters you always hear about cannot just be all hubbub. These tales have to originate from somewhere, and some of these stories are too detailed and outlandish that they must've actually included a real kind of creature. Deny in believing all you want, but if these things happened to you, do you wanna be "the boy who cried mermaid"?
The constant song among the waves.
Speaking of stories from the sea, there are also tales of sailors hearing beautiful sounds and melodies on their ships where there is literally nothing else around them. Mermaids have a trademark of beholding the most beautiful singing voices, so there can't be any other explanation for this one. It might as well be the sailor's insanity settling in by hearing strange things in the middle of the ocean, but where else would mermaids want to belt their songs?
The countless colors of the deep blue sea may hide them.
Although the oceans are generally made up of one color, it also simultaneously is the home to the most colorful things below its surface. From the array of fish alone to the coral reefs, as well as the vast amount of different aquatic species that call the ocean home, there are literally hundreds of thousands of colors in the saltwater. So due to their different colored scaly tails and luscious locks, they could easily be blending in among them (or better yet, living in the pitch-black darker depths of the ocean in hiding).
Some people HAVE to have the ability to breathe underwater.
It is a known fact that humans cannot breathe underwater on their own, but there has to be some type of human specimen that does. I mean, our bodies are made up of at least 60% of water (more than half!) and although it is freshwater, it had to originate from somewhere. Salt, after all, is necessary to maintain the body's overall fluid balance... just some food (or water) for thought.
The ocean is too big for just aquatic animals.
The ocean takes up 2/3 of Earth's surface- this fact alone should tell you that there are thousands of unknown species living in these waters. Mermaids may be a mythical being (for now), but who's to say that they just haven't been found yet?
After all, ocean's were here first.
According to most beliefs, the first thing to exist on Earth was water — AKA the ocean. Animals originated and evolved from their aquatic homeland, so why would it be any different for humans? Of course, this can go against your own beliefs or religion, but with this whole article coming from a religious woman, I am saying that I do believe that humans possibly originated from something- or somewhere- else.
"The Mystery of the Unknown" still exists in today's world.
Even in today's seemingly small world, what with technology and all, there are still countless possibilities and things to still discover within this entire universe. Just like people believe aliens just have to exist on other planets, they should be thinking the same about mermaids too. But even if they do exist, maybe it is just better off not knowing because it may benefit both them in a world like today.