The Murder of JonBenét Ramsey | The Odyssey Online
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The Murder of JonBenét Ramsey

The case that gripped the nation and remains unsolved 20 years later

The Murder of JonBenét Ramsey

Over the course of this past week and a half, I have spent copious amounts of time researching and watching every single documentary out there on the murder of Jonbenet Ramsey. Jonbenet was a six year old pageant star who was found murdered in her home in Boulder, Colorado on December 26th, 1996. She was the daughter of the wealthy John and Pasty Ramsey who also have a son, Burke, who was three years older than Jonbenet. Patsy woke up on the morning of December 26th to find a three page ransom note stating that her daughter was kidnapped and would be returned once money was prepared and given to the kidnappers. Patsy immediately called the police to report her daughter missing. Once the police and detectives arrived, John found his daughters body in his basement with injuries including a blow to the head and a garrote tied around her neck which contributed to her death. Speculations arose about whether an intruder or a member of the Ramsey family killed the pageant queen, but ultimately no one has been found guilty of the murder twenty years later.

Although I only outlined a very simple version of this case, I do have a very strong opinion about what had happened to Jonbenet after the research I have done and the documentaries I have watched. I think that Jonbenet was killed by her brother Burke who not only had previously hit his sister in the head with a golf club, but also behaved oddly when questioned by investigators. He showed no sorrow or remorse for the loss of his sister. I also think that after Patsy and John Ramsey found that Burke had killed Jonbenet, they staged a kidnapping and a murder so they would not be considered suspects of the case and so Burke would be protected. The Ramseys might have been compelled to protect Burke and stage her death so they did not lose both of their children in one night. I think a lot of evidence points to my theory, but ultimately there was a flaw in the legal system in Boulder, Colorado that prevented this theory from being carried in a court room.

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