The Movies Are No Place For Babies Or Small Children | The Odyssey Online
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The Movies Are No Place For Babies Or Small Children

Either leave them with a babysitter or don't go at all.

The Movies Are No Place For Babies Or Small Children

Going to the movies is an easy and expensive (movies aren't cheap, y’all; popcorn is expensive) way to relax and spend two hours in peace and quiet. There's nothing better than plopping down on the comfy seat with your pop and popcorn in hand and watching the movie you've been dying to see.

But just as the previews are starting, you hear it: a baby's cry. Your eyes dart from one side of the theater to the other and you're thinking, "Who brought their baby to the movies? Someone wouldn't actually do that, would they?" Sure enough, they did.

I went to see "Avengers: Infinity War" on Mother's Day with my parents and there were roughly 20 to 30 people in the theater, including a family who brought their baby.

I tried to ignore the baby's cry at first because it was Mother's Day and I know the importance of children spending time with their mother and mothers spending time with their children (not to mention, most people can't find a babysitter on Mother's Day), but by the fourth or fifth cry, I was annoyed and I'm sure everyone else in the theater was too.

Multiple times throughout the movie, the mother and father rotated between who took the baby out of the theater; most of the time, it was the mother letting the baby run around the back of the theater and watching over him while trying to watch Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans kick ass. However, holding the baby and letting him run around was never enough because he just wouldn't stop crying. It got so bad that the mother took him of the theater halfway through the movie and never came back. When we finished the movie and walked out to the car, my mother saw them sitting in the car waiting for their family to come out. Happy Mother's Day, right? Sitting in the car while your family enjoys the movie? Not.

Now to my point.

Movie theaters are not the place to bring babies and/or small children. Babies cry and most small children can't sit still and stay quiet for a long period of time without throwing a tantrum. Bringing babies and/or small children to the movies typically forces a family to leave before finishing the movie because the child drives everyone else nuts and prevents them from hearing the movie. As I said before: going to the movies is an easy and expensive way to relax and spend two hours in peace and quiet, but you can't do that if a baby is crying the whole time and running around.

I understand this family wanting to spend Mother's Day at the movies, but their crying baby ruined what was supposed to be a relaxing two and a half hours for everyone else and left a mother sitting alone in her car while her family enjoyed the rest of the movie.

The movies are no place for babies and/or small children; either leave them with a babysitter or don't go at all. Nowadays, movies are out of the theater and on DVD within a couple months; just wait for it to come out on DVD. Please don't ruin what is supposed to be a peaceful experience and great movie for everyone else just because you don't care that your crying baby is making other people miserable.

Movie theaters: either don't let parents bring babies and/or small children into a movie that isn't G-rated (kids movies are fine because they're meant for kids), create movie show times that only people of a certain age or older can attend or create movie show times that permit children. By utilizing one of these options, people are guaranteed a peaceful and relaxing experience (unless someone answers a phone call during the movie; that's another story).

Call me selfish. Tell me, "You don't understand what it's like to be a parent," because you're right, I don't, but I'm sure I can speak for a lot of people when I say that we would really appreciate it if you left your baby and/or small children at home the next time you see a movie, especially a movie like "Avengers: Infinity War," because hearing every single word out of Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans' mouth is very important.

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