It's time to embrace your title as the "mom" of your friend group because you definitely know who you are. It's always an honor when your friends feel that you are encouraging, responsible, and a cool mom. You're the go to friend when anything goes wrong and your friend group needs you.
1. Being Prepared For Just About Any Situation
Your friends know that without a doubt you're always ready to handle any situation that comes their way. Most of the time you carry the essentials with you to guarantee that everyone in your friend group will be covered at all times.
2. You finish almost every phrase with "You're doing amazing, sweetie"
The best line that any mom of a friend group uses or anyone in general is "You're doing amazing, sweetie", first said by the legendary Kris Jenner. This one liner is simply unforgettable and just the right encouragement necessary to keep a friend thriving in their environment.
3. Your Friends Start Calling you "Mom"
Reality really hits you when your friends start calling your mom and you've actually been given the official title. As you hear your friends shout "mom" from a distance you know that it's time to run to their rescue.
4. You're everyone's therapist
When any of your friends have a problem they know that they could always come to you. You're the person that they vent to and somehow you seem to be able to solve their problems.
5. You always wait for the "I got home safely" text.
The mom of the group always stays up to make sure that everyone got home safely, and after those texts are received it's totally okay to go to sleep.
6. Always giving everyone an equal amount of emotional support
The biggest thing for any friend group is the one person who is constantly telling everyone that it's going to be okay. The mom of the friend group is always the one ensuring everyone that no matter how crappy it is temporarily, the outcome will be okay.
7. Doing Anything For Your Friends
At the end of the day, you would do just about anything for your friends because they mean the world to you. If they need anything you're always there to help them.
8. Finding yourself cleaning up their messes
Whether it's their rooms or their relationships, you're always there to clean everything up and leave the situation spotless. Although they don't ask you're always ready to clean up any situation.
9. Attending your friends events, and cheering them on
No matter what the praise is for, you're always cheering your friends on for even the slightest accomplishments. They always know that you support everything they do and you'll be there to celebrate with them.
10. You wouldn't have it any other way
With loving your friends so much, the mom part comes easy. You wouldn't choose to have it any other way.
"I'm not like a regular mom, I'm a cool mom." - Mrs. George (Mean Girls)