Whenever you make friends, you should get their social media accounts. One thing to consider is which social media do most of your friends see your posts. You want to make sure that everyone can catch up with you and see how you are doing.
Back then, I only had Instagram on my phone. It was popular in the past, so I decided to install it to catch up with my friends and help my friends catch up with me. Later on, Snapchat became more popular. I decided to install this app to try it out. As time passed from the day I first installed Snapchat, more friends from high school added my account to their friend list in Snapchat. Compared to the posts on Instagram and Snapchat, most of my friends saw my posts at Snapchat. Once I realized this, I made use of Snapchat more than Instagram.
However, there is an exception. I understand that not all of my friends use Snapchat because everyone has their own preference on social media. I cannot force them to use Snapchat because that is who they are. I have to respect who they are. In order to catch up with them and help them catch up with me, I post my Snapchat posts on Instagram. This became my process of double posting, meaning posting on two social media apps.
Whenever I have to post pictures or videos, I always write a caption. In Instagram, I write a caption that explains the main idea of my pictures and videos. I use emojis and tags in my caption. In Snapchat, I write captions for each picture or video to describe them. I also make use of emojis. I do not use tags unless the restaurant, place, or store says tag them on Snapchat only.
I use emojis in my captions because it helps decorate the captions. It is also an opportunity to use them since of them cannot be used while I texted my friends. Some of my friends in high school have told me that they like my captions because they look decorative and sound like my true self. This makes me proud of how I post and I always stick to that style no matter what other options are there to make the captions look better.
Currently, I still double post and write captions with emojis and tags. I am glad to catch up with my friends and see that my friends are catching up with me. I have not seen my friends for six months. I miss them, but life changes and everybody gets busy. Social media is the only way for me to stay connected with them along with text messaging and phone calls. Hopefully, I will get to make more friends throughout the future, so that I can increase the number of friends that I have in reality and social media.
One thing for sure is that reality matters more than social media because the reality is real. Social media is a way to connect with each other through reality, but it may alter how we perceive reality these days. So, dear reader, decide how you want to use social media. You do not have to follow my way because what matters is that you are who you want to be.