The 10 Most Underrated One Direction Songs Of All Time | The Odyssey Online
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The 10 Most Underrated One Direction Songs Of All Time

Wake me up when One Direction is making their come back!!!

The 10 Most Underrated One Direction Songs Of All Time

Another November has come and gone and still no One Direction album. Okay, guys, this hiatus is getting kind of long. Please let me know when you've come back, even you Zayn.

1. Moments 

Possibly one of the most emotional songs ever written in One Direction history. Shout out to Harry Styles for a beautiful ending high note.

2. They Don't Know About Us

THIS. SONG. GETS. ME. EVERY. TIME. A song written so beautifully for easily the best album in my opinion. Also not to be dramatic or one those girls but this is totally about "Larry Stylinson." Please don't come at me.

3. Strong

Honestly one the greatest bops of all time. Very heartfelt verses with a banging chorus. Not going to lie, one of my all-time favorites. Seeing it live made me cry.

4. Little White Lies

Okay, so I lied. This is the biggest banger that One Direction has ever produced. I didn't appreciate this song until after I saw it live with the bass going and everything — life changing.

5. 18 

I think this was every One Direction fan's mood after this song was released. I have never had a song reach so far down into my soul and make me feel as much pain as this song did. I still listen to it in the car. Shout out to Niall for introducing the word "Chonce" in this song, love that Irish boy.

6. What a Feeling

You might be confused by this picture, but this song is so magical in the sense that this is what I picture when I listen to it. It's a bop. Very mystical but clubby vibes. Not sure how to describe it but one of the best songs written by them.

7. Stockholm Syndrome

WOAH BABY LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME. Honestly, for non Directioners, you might be confused by the title but such a good song. Harry Styles is the best, and this song is just another example as to why.

8. Fool's Gold

I honestly didn't like this song when it came out and the lyrics really confused me. However, after hearing Niall and Harry singing it both individually, I can say it is SO underrated. Niall made me cry real tears. I love you One Direction.

9. Rock Me

If you can't hear this GIF, then I don't know how to paint the picture that is this song. This is known as the song that was put out too early. It sounds quite similar to We Will Rock You by Queen, but the lyrics are so good that 12-year-old me was screaming.

10. If I Could Fly

So anything I said about any of the other songs, yes true BUT this is the best one of them all. This song killed me then brought me back to life. Anyone who disagrees can change their opinion!!

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