"You is kind, you is smart, you is important." Okay, so maybe the grammar wasn't the best, but I think this is the most important lesson I learned from "The Help". The movie itself taught me so much, like not to take crap from anyone, and if someone gives you crap to just feed them a pie with your poop in it. Just kidding! Even though that is probably my favorite scene, that is definitely not the lesson I learned. The affirmations have stuck with me over these past few years since I've seen the movie.
I was at the gym the other day, and I was getting worn out and I just kept saying to myself, "You are strong. You are strong. You are strong" and then I remembered what the nanny said to the little girl every day. Then that became my mantra. "You is kind, you is smart, you is important." No, she doesn't say strong or beautiful, but maybe we can add those and say them to ourselves and our children. Having a daily affirmation can be helpful on so many levels and can include so many different things, but I think these really take the cake. I also think these are some of the most important things to say to yourself, and others.
"You is kind." This may seem less important than being smart but I really don't think it is. We get so caught up in day to day life that sometimes we forget that we are nice people. It is important to remind yourself that you were raised to have a genuinely good heart. You are kind, you do not do things to intentionally hurt others. You can sway others to be kind like you. Kindness flows through you and into others. You. Are. Kind."You is smart." So often, I see people putting themselves down for not being smart enough, yet I do not feel that is true. Smart can cover so many areas. Street smart, art smart, book smart. How often is smart limited to how well you can do the quadratic formula or read a super long boring book and report on it? How often do we ignore how talented and smart singers, artists, chefs, and band kids are? How often do we put down people for not being super "smart" for labor intensive jobs like construction or working on cars? How often are people put down for where they work or what they choose to do? Too often. It is that simple. Some people are better at some things than others. Remind yourself daily that you are Smart.
"You is important." This may very well be the most important of the three affirmations. You are, without a doubt, important. You were put on earth to serve a purpose. Life and people would be so much different without you. You are an important member of society, no matter what your purpose is. People need you. No matter how good or bad you feel, no matter how others look at you, you ARE important. If you were to die today, you would be missed, others would be greatly affected. Always remember, you are important.
Though these next two are not in the movie, I would like to touch briefly on them because I think they are important too. You are strong and you are beautiful/handsome. You are stronger than you know. You overcome obstacles every day and they make you stronger. No one knows what demons you are battling so always remember, no matter how weak you feel, you are strong. You are beautiful/handsome. I feel like this kind of ties into you are kind. No matter what you look like, you have beauty inside you. You are full of beauty inside and out and just because some may not be able to see it, does not mean it's not true, Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You are beautiful/handsome.
If you need daily affirmations, these are some of the best you can have. They are broad enough to fit most of your life and small enough to be personal. So please remember, "You is smart, you is kind, you is important".