We're lucky enough to live in a society where diversity is no stranger. Although that is the case, many people have not experienced diversity and others oppose it. I was lucky enough to grow up in a diverse neighborhood. I grew up in the small town of West Hempstead, New York and it was not until I left my little town that I realized the positive impacted on my life.
The most important things I have learned from growing up in a diverse area is to be accepting to all, and not to judge anybody based on their appearance. Yes when we are older, it is natural for people to gravitate more towards the people who look like them and seem like they would be interested in the same things we are, because they are what is familiar. But, we need to step out of our comfort zones. When I was a child I was exposed to many different cultures, and as a child being different from the other kids did not matter. The only thing that mattered was when you'd be free for a playdate. We as a society should start thinking like children again, and not be too quick to judge somebody just by their appearance.
The importance of this struck me when I go places with my friends from my new town, who have not really been exposed to diversity before. If we go to the city, or are walking around town and tend to see somebody of another ethnic group they tend to walk a little faster, or even ask if we could cross the street. Usually I do not put up a fight and just cross the street or catch up to them because I can tell how uncomfortable they are. I can't help but wonder that if that they grew up in diverse areas that they wouldn't be fearful of a stranger who just looks differently. There is nothing wrong withe people establishing their own opinions but if you've never met a person before how can you judge them just on their skin?
I understand that some people may live in areas where they and their children are not exposed to diversity and that is fine. However, it is important to have knowledge on it and know what others have gone through. Maya Angelou said "It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength" and to me it's one of the most important quotes out there. Living in the United States is a privilege that many people take for granted. It is a country that has been built on the different cultures of citizens, and blending them all into one.
At the time I lived in West Hempstead I thought it was just some little old town, that had nothing special to it. Now, I am grateful that I grew up there, West Hempstead didn't only make me respect other cultures and their beliefs, but it helped me come to the realization that even though somebody does not look just like I do it does not make them a lesser person. We can still be great friends even if we come from different backgrounds. At the end of the day, we are all people and we need to love, respect, and help each other out no matter our differences.