While we certainly know more at 21 than we did when we were five, there are certain lessons that we continue to live by, well, forever. As we get older, we begin to realize that some of the most important things in life cannot be taught in a classroom.
1. Napping is important for survival.
When we were five, we fought to keep our eyes open during nap time. We kicked and screamed to avoid it. At 21, we’ve already planned tomorrow’s nap before we go to bed.
2. Sometimes all you need is your mom.
Whether it’s getting dropped off at our first day of kindergarten, or getting rejected from an internship, sometimes our mom is the only person who can really calm us down.
3. How to make friends.
When we’re five, it only takes a few minutes to make a best friend. While this task seems to get harder with years, it’s important to remember those essential friendly skills we learned when we were younger.
4. It's okay to cry.
Sometimes, we all have to resort to crying. It really is just part of life. As children, we cry when we get told ‘no’, and as adults, well, sometimes we still do. Everyone needs a good cry once in a while!
5. Sharing is caring.
We could be sharing clothes with our siblings, food with our roommates, or crayons with our new friends, but no matter the case - sharing isn’t something that should disappear with age. We all need a little extra help sometimes.
6. Clean up, clean up... everybody everywhere
We may not be cleaning up puzzles or toys anymore, but there’s nothing worse than a messy house or room. An organized house can really help promote an organized life.
7. Bath-time is ALWAYS necessary.
This is pretty self-explanatory. Hygiene is always a major key.
8. The importance of Please and Thank You
First, we learn this with our parents, our teachers, and adults… then, we learn the importance of this in everyday life. Manners should never lessen in importance. It’s amazing how far a simple Please and Thank You can get you.
9. Fruits and vegetables = healthy bones.
Did anyone else learn this during their freshman year of college?! The Freshman 15… not a joke. Mom and dad weren’t just being mean when they made us eat carrots with lunch. Healthy eating is essential for both your mind and your body.
10. Home is where the heart is.
We discover this first in our family home. As we get older, we realize that it is possible to have more than one home. A house is the place that you live; a home is the place that you love.