The More Pets, The Merrier | The Odyssey Online
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The More Pets, The Merrier

Some of the benefits of having more than one pet, both health and happiness related.

The More Pets, The Merrier
Meagan Bloxdorf

Just about everyone likes to have at least one kind of animal or pet, while others may have a whole zoo in their house. Whichever is the case, having more than one pet around has shown to improve the lives of the people who own them by multiple factors. Here's to showing why the more pets, the merrier.

1. Pets Naturally Enhance Our Moods

Spending time with a pet of yours, whether it be a cat, a dog, a rabbit or even simply watching fish, has shown to increase and enhance the overall mood of those interacting with the animals. Strangely, pets can usually tell when we're feeling upset, and it's no surprise that with their company, we tend to feel a little more comforted and happier. They also help raise our self-esteem and keep us motivated.

2. They Help Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety

Often those who suffer from anxiety have found that petting a dog or interacting with your pet has calming effects that help lower your blood pressure and help you begin to relax as it cuts down on levels of stress hormones. For those with depression, having an unconditional source of love that needs attending to can help put better focus and companionship in your life.

3. They Get You Outside

Having a pet that requires exercise proves to have great health benefits for the owner. Taking your pet on walks can help keep your blood pressure down while you and your pet both get some quality exercise in. Even if your pet can't really go for walks, they could still definitely use the fresh air. My favorite is bringing the hamster outside to explore the grass in the front yard. Whether it be playing catch, walking or just hanging out, it's always better outside in the sun.

4. They're Social Magnets

Everyone knows that if you have a great pet or one that is not very common, people are going to flock to you like crazy and ask to pet them. Especially dogs, or birds and lizards in my case. Anyone who has an animal on them is suddenly the center of attention. They can also help you meet new friends and people as well as finding new animal friends for them too.

5. They May Be Better In Pairs

Pets that are often locked up throughout the day or who may not see their owner all day and don't get some play time usually do better having a companion. It reduces separation anxiety and also provides company and a friend for the pet and helps relieve boredom. Additional pets can also help calm the other one down, or even revitalize it if it's an older pet.

6. There's Always Something To Do

Having a zoo at your house leaves plenty of opportunities for when you're bored. There are multiple different pets to say "hi" to and hangout with and give attention to, and depending on the variety of pets, many different activities you can do with them. Whether it be playing with them or cleaning their cages, between my geckos, hamster, cat, two birds and fish, I know I've got my hands tied.

7. They Make Us Feel Loved

Nobody makes us feel like the most magnificent, loved and caring creature of the earth like our beloved animals do. They're always the most excited and anxious to see you and have your attention. They make us feel supported and important in life, and make us happy just by looking at them and seeing their reaction to you.

8. They're Always Excited To See You

Whether it's because you've been gone away at college, been at work for the day or you're the hands that feed them, seeing you walk through the door creates the biggest commotion as their excitement can't usually be tamed. Every time. In fact, they're probably more happy to see you than your sibling.

9. They're Always The Best Part Of Coming Home

Nobody makes you smile like your pet does, and having your companions whether furry, scaly or both, waiting at home and ready to see you walk through your door makes all your hard work for day worth it and seems to immediately make your stress disappear. There's nothing better than coming home and cuddling up with your pet or taking them outside and feeling the happiness they bring you as fellow companions, and family members.

10. The More, The Merrier

With all the great benefits relating to health and an increased overall happiness in life that having one or two pets can induce, why not get some more lovable friends and expand the family? Besides, everyone loves the friend with the most pets, and the pet-owner themselves gets to care and love for their animals and in return, they create a bond most extraordinary and unbeatable with each of their pets. Plus, they're all so adorable!

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