Yes, December is here! Honestly, this is one of my favorite months. It does get cold during this time, but I love the snow and the vibe that December brings. Not only do we have Christmas, but it is the month to finish off the entire year, to get together with family and friends and being proud of the fact that you got through the fall semester at your respected universities. In order to show you how I feel, here are five reasons on why I love December.
1. Schools out
Yeah we have finals week in the beginning of December, but once that is over with, it's time for us to go home. It's almost as if we are grateful to take the last exams of the semester because we know that the finish line is there and we just want to be done. It doesn't matter whether we enjoyed are classes in the Fall or not, we are just glad that we get to relax and spend time with friends from back home. It is the one time where we can start figuring out what to do with our lives and keeping up our relationships with are friends from back home who we haven't seen in a very long time.
2. Basketball
Whenever I come home, Basketball has always been a big influence in the month of December. My friends and I try to go to at least one or two pistons games and we also have the luxury of having a gym of our own to go and play pick up ball at. It is the time of the year where I get to catch up with my high school basketball coach and see how the team is doing. We scrimmage the younger guys, but we also stay behind a play a little on our own because of how fun it is to run around and play basketball.
3. Movies
This is when Oscar season starts. All of the great films are starting to come out and my family, friends and I start preparing for what films we want to see. This year it has been tough to keep up with the movies that have been coming out, but once I come home, lots of research will be done. There are still a lot of films I have read about that I am very excited to see. One films is Martin Scorsese's Silence, which is number one on my list because Scorsese is my favorite director. I could list more, but for now, I am just preparing for break to come sooner.
Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Years Eve is what makes December the best time of the year. I spend time with my family and enjoy every second with them. I miss spending time with them and I'm glad when I get to catch up with them. This year I get to talk with my cousin from London who I haven't seen for almost a year. I am very interested to speak with him about what Europe is like seeing that I will be their this Winter. But Christmas Eve is also a very amazing tradition that has been going on since my mom was a child. Everyone gets together and eats dinner and we each get one gift to celebrate. Afterwards, my papa reads a letter that Santa has written for us to commend how well our family has been doing. This year will be fun because my house is hosting the event this year. I can't wait.
5. Christmas(Obviously)
Spending Christmas with my family is the most wonderful time of the year. The past couple of years have been amazing because of the gifts that I get and the company of my family is always what has made me happy. My mom and dad have always had a tradition with me by getting me gifts of a certain filmmaker or actor that I get to watch throughout Christmas. For instance, Senior year of high school, I got films from Quentin Tarantino. Freshmen year of college, I received films starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Last year, my parents got me the films of Richard Linklater which I really enjoyed and furthered my passion for film. This year, I don't know what to expect, but as always I am very excited. Christmas is going to be great and it is definitely one of the biggest reasons why December is so awesome.