On August 21st, the world witnessed a miracle. For the first time in years a total Solar Eclipse passed through the United States. And as the moon prepared to steal the Sun's show, the world was a buzz with excitement. It was all over the news; there were t-shirts being made. The schools closed, and the limited number of approved necessary solar viewing glasses reached the covet level of "Tickle Me Elmo" around Christmas time. I mean the world was pure and utter chaos, as we prepared for totality.
We witnessed something so unprecedented on that day, and millions gathered in Tennessee, Kentucky, and all along the path to say they were there the day the world went dark. We watched in utter amazement at right at the peak of the day, the temperatures dropped, the sky got dark, and the crickets sang us their evening songs. The moon literally overthrew the sun for a little bit, and for those that in were in the complete path of totality, those few moments were something you won't soon forget. Even for those of us who only saw the partial eclipse, the view was spectacular.
It was simply a miracle. My God did that did, but He did something even greater on that day, in my opinion.
For one day all the media outlets covered one single event. There was no talk of whether President Trump was doing his job, nor was there chatter and footage of riots in the street. Nothing was mentioned about political initiatives and agendas. Total attention that day was given to the beauty that God was pulling back the curtains on in the sky. We were all united by one positive idea, one idea. We didn't argue about what time the events were happening or even which news station had the least bias coverage of the event. Instead we threw viewing parties and ate Moon Pies and watched one of the most amazing displays of beauty.
The miracle of that day for me was not the actual eclipse but rather what God was doing in the hearts of his people on that miraculous day. For one day we put our differences aside, and worshipped the splendor of the King who put all this into motion. I think God was so incredibly proud of his kids that day. To look down and to see them all unified around one beautiful display of His hand; now that is a miracle. And only one that our God could initiate.