Well, we've made it. It's officially the middle of the semester. Midterms are in the air, motivation is lacking, but you know what, we're trying our damnedest. While rewatching "New Girl" instead of working on my responsibilities as one does, I find myself relating to Schmidt more and more as the days go on. The man tries so hard to do everything right, yet somehow along the way, it all goes wrong. So, today I bring you 15 reasons why Schmidt describes the middle of spring semester better than anyone else (except maybe Nick, but I mean we're trying to be motivated here, not flunk out).
1. When you're walking to class and see high schoolers touring.
It's nice seeing new and excited people looking at your beautiful school, but I'm getting a little tired of being stuck behind them and having parents judge me by my discombobulated outfits.
2. When you're tired of walking to the dining hall or don't have any time, so you order in.
I'm not sure if my bank account can tolerate my laziness much more.
3. Studying for midterms.
Don't even say the "M" word.
4. Procrastinating for midterms by watching any and every Netflix show imaginable.
Yeah, I may have two quizzes, an exam, and three papers due this week, but Cece and Schmidt are planning a wedding too, and that's just as important.
5. Your motivation to go to class is dwindling by the second.
I curse that alarm clock every morning.
6. The amount of meetings/SI sessions/work in general that has accumulated for you to do is unbearable.
7. You've taken your first exam and wish you would have dropped the class the first day.
I knew that class would be nothing but trouble.
8. When you realize all of your midterms are basically on the same day.
Why. Just why.
9. You've had at least three mental breakdowns a day.
No, I'm not crying, my life is just falling apart but it's OK, I'm fine.
10. You actually finish everything you have to do for the day.
These days are truly the best days.
11. You've upgraded from one nap a day to twelve.
Maybe even 15. Who cares? You don't have work in your dreams. Best. Decision. Ever.
12. How you cope with your looming deadlines.
The weekends are truly a time of relaxation.
13. When your parents tell you to look for jobs and internships over the summer.
I get it, my future is important, but how am I supposed to do that when I can barely manage what I'm supposed to do now?
14. Counting down the days until summer break
Forever waiting for the day I am on a beach with no responsibilities and a margarita in my hand.
15. But, then realizing you'll actually have to leave school at the end of the semester.
Spending one month apart from your friends over winter break was difficult enough, but the whole summer? Nope. I'd rather take the stress, I never want to leave.