I opened my eyes and felt the warmth of the light surrounding me. In front of me was my room, completely clean, with warm lighting and smelling like home. I sat up in my bed and could almost feel my parents being with me, helping me get up and start my week the right way. I felt peaceful and serene as I began getting myself ready for the day.
And then my alarm sounded.
I woke up in the same room, with the pale light of the morning coming in through our broken window shades, my side cluttered with papers I did not file, and clothes I did not put away. I felt the congestion of the world around me, and found myself asking “What is happening to me right now?”
Because here is the thing: I am not messy person and I cannot live in an unorganized mess. So why all of the sudden was I surrounded by my own forgetfulness?
I had to ask my friends, and then I realized that they did not know either. Half of them said the same thing:
“That’s just college,” “welcome to life alone,” or my favorite “I don’t know it’s probably nothing.”
But is it nothing?
This is something we need to talk about, the “Mid-Semester Slump.” It is a real thing that any type of college kid goes through. You do not feel like doing your homework, you can’t focus in class, and the worst part is you know you’re spiraling but you really don’t have the energy to do anything about it.
Now to some this might sound like depression, and for some it might be, whether it is seasonal or not. So for those people I implore you to search for another article or possibly seek some sort of counseling on your campus. For those of us who are not suffering from depression, let’s talk about getting it back together.
One thing that definitely needs to happen is time management. I have gotten to the point where I need two reminders on my phone and it written in my planner. If you don’t have either of these tools or access to either, maybe visit your local library to print out some calendars to have with you (there are some really great ones out there to help you get your scheduling together)!
You also need to have a support system with you. I know it can be hard to really find the energy during this slump, but sometimes a little time with your friends can really make a world of a difference. The way I usually do it is to tell myself, okay maybe just 15 minutes, and before I know it it has been 30 minutes to an hour and I’m enjoying myself again. I would recommend not letting it interfere with your homework time though.
Homework is the next thing, and believe me, as a professional procrastinator I understand how hard it can be to really sit yourself down to do it. I would recommend writing down all the assignments you have due in order of how soon they are due. Then do them by how much time it will take; don’t start with a two minute reading and then save the one hour paper for nine at night - you’re not going to do it then. Also, try and stay off your phone or social media during this time as it can be a huge distraction while you are attempting to do everything.
The most important thing during this time is you. You are the entity that is running the show, and without you nothing would be happening. You are the most important piece of the puzzle, and for that reason you are number one. Make sure you do get enough sleep every night, or else nothing is going to work right for you. Getting enough sleep improves your brain function and your digestion. Don’t chastise yourself for eating a little unhealthy, but try and eat healthier food items and stay away from mass amounts of sugar. That way you are getting as much good out as you put in.
I know it’s hard, to be alone and having to juggle everything at once, but in the end it is going to be so worth it. You don’t need your mom and dad or guardian to carry you through, you just need you.