You know what's going on by now.
1. Axis
23.5 degrees!
Italy was tried their best! Don't be so hard on those raviolis.
2. Guilt!
Always in the back of the old mind
Don't take revenge on me for breaking that vase!
3. Too fly
Too dark and moist for me
These corporations and their trendy social media interns.
4. Zoom Zoom
About time
Wow they finally did it!
5. Supply and Demand
sweet business
Fake internet points give my life meaning.
6. So True
water pistol
Activism? Nope, lets make a marginal graphical change and act like we are leaders for a more righteous America.
7. oWoW
*audible akwardness*
A principal that cool shouldn't exist!
8. Sorry Kids!
Monopoly has given us so much joy and misery in our lives, and so has the Black Plague.
9. Ra Ra Rasputin
200 IQ level meme. Understand it if you dare.
10. Don't Look at Me!
Quick look away!
Just act like it never happened. It always works.
See you next week.