I thought it would be a perfect time to share my thoughts, with all that is happening right now in this country. It's the media taking news and events that have been going on for years and blowing them out of proportion because all of these events have been going on for decades and now with the technology, it's just caught on camera and shared with everyone in one click!
For example: If you didn't notice there is a movement happening called "Black Lives Matter". People around the world have been using the slogan for protesting white police violence against black man. 'Black Lives Matter' actually began when three women popularized the slogan during protests over the killing of 17 year old Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012 in Florida. Martin was an African-American boy who was shot by a 'cop' (really a neighborhood watch volunteer) named George Zimmerman.
Since then, protestors around the world have been using the slogan every time a non-African American cop shoots a 'black' human being. Guess what America?! Cops have been shooting victims and victims have been shooting cops for centuries! It's JUST now hitting the media in the past decade, making us think it's a new problem. It's always been a problem! Know what else has been a problem? Cops being hated for something another cop did. Know what else? Innocent Caucasian, Asian, Hispanic, etc. people are dying too! And not just from cops, from other citizens of many different races. Black lives do matter ! But you know what else? ALL OTHER LIVES MATTER TOO! The slogan should be ALL LIVES MATTER. But you know... the media doesn't show the other stories, just the ones that are getting attention from us.
This article is NOT about 'Black Lives Matter'. That was just an example, so don't think I'm racist. I am not in any way! Even Obama himself (a 'black' man) stated: "This is not just a black issue. This is not just a Hispanic issue. This is an American issue that we should all care about."
Anyway, this article is about something far more unnoticed and significant: the MEDIA is manipulating our minds and views! Have you noticed that when one story arrises, the same story is shown day after day for a month just with new victims? The Internet, news channels, etc. are manipulating the stories into things they aren't by taking similar stories from all over the world and announcing them around the same time. Not only that, but they also never give us the full, true story! Many elements are usually left out, making the event a completely different and false story! Us people; lovers of news and Internet, are manipulated into thinking the world is going crazy because the same event (that we haven't seen on the media in the past but was still going on in the past ) is happening to different people at the same time. We are also very ignorant at times and believe the first story and headlines we read about an incident which most times, is nothing compared to the truth. So how do we stop it? We can't. But we CAN stop buying into the media's nonsense. I don't even listen anymore, when I hear of something happening, I think to myself "Yup, that's been happening forever now, it's not news, it's just now making the new."
Our world isn't falling to pieces, we are just more aware now because of technology! So don't be scared. In many ways this country is better than it used to be! Think of the freedom we have now, how different the wars are (you have the right to join the military or not join), how there is no Holocaust or slavery, how much our rights have improved, how much we've bettered the planet environmentally, how much volunteering there is to help others! This is the TRUTH: the bad outweighs the good in the eyes of the people because the good is not shown on the media. But in reality, the good does outweigh the bad and that's a fact. So start focusing on that if this "bad" is all too depressing.