As I turn on the television and watch commercials that involve kids, I can’t help but notice one thing; dads aren’t given enough credit. While it may seem funny to joke that the mom does everything and is the super parent, I find this very damaging to the image of the father.
For cold and flu commercials, I’ve seen the father be weak and helpless, while even though the mother is ill, she presses on. More than not, a simple cold is not gong to bring down with parent to such a degree. They now they each have responsibilities and continue to do so.
For peanut butter, JIF claims that choosey moms choose JIF. What about dads? Don’t they have a say in what goes into their child’s diet?
Too many times media portrays fathers as clumsy, and the parent that doesn't do as good a job. Too many times fathers are portrayed as the parent who has no idea what they are doing, and can not be trusted fully with the children. This needs to change.
I know countless fathers whose whole lives is their children. Their whole world revolves around how they can make their kid’s lives better. It is an unfair stereotype to see them as less of a parent when the reality is that fathers are a huge part of the development of the child.
While I understand all families are different and there are single parents, I think overall that dads need to be valued more than they are portrayed to be in the media.
Here’s to all the dads out there who aren’t given the respect they deserve as a parent. It is time to realize thats dads are super parents as well. It is time to stop portraying them as anything less than the dedicated, skilled parents that they are.