When it comes to the ever illustrious question of, "Who are you voting for?" there is always a sense of deductive knowledge to figure out what someone is going to say before they even answer. This election, however, is murkier than ever. With people flip-flopping between Trump and Hillary like changing their socks, it has become increasingly interesting to see the type of people that "Want to Make America Great Again" and who's "With Her." Today, we will dissect the many faces of the Trump supporter and his/her many different stereotypes.
The LA (Lower Alabama) Supporter
This is the first thing someone thinks of when they think of the Trump Campaign. Whether or not Republicans (or myself) want to admit it, this is definitely the stereotype that rules the media. This is the supporter who feeds off of his hate and his "political incorrectness" that they crave so much in a government setting. They are baffled that there is something other than foreign enemies to worry about, but none-the-less do make their points heard, even if it is in a really ignorant way. Racism fills their opinions a lot of times and they tend to make the rest of the republicans look like minority-hating people and that is simply not true. While Trump does need these individuals' votes, he most definitely could live without the stereotype that comes with them.
The I-Don't-Really-Like-Trump-But-I-Really-Hate-Hillary Supporters
This election cycle has been so bizarre for many reasons. However, the biggest reason i feel as though this is true is because of the amount that everyone hates both of these candidates. The approval ratings of both Hillary and Trump are very low and it seems that no one really cares for either party. However, voting for Trump (or Hillary for that matter) because you dislike the second option is not what America was built on. News Flash: you don't have to vote for someone who you don't like. America was built on our ability to pick and so if you don't believe in either of the options, then find someone else to vote for. There are plenty of independent people running and while you may say "well there goes my vote", I believe the contrary. Your vote shows the amazing freedom that we as American's own in that we can do whatever "We the People" may choose to do. Educate yourself, then exercise your freedoms and rights as an American and vote for the man or woman that you see yourself in.
The Educated Supporters
Some people may find it very hard to believe but there are people out there that do listen to all that Donald Trump has to say and agrees with his course of actions. There will never be that perfect candidate ever because America, by design, is very diverse and will always disagree on many different things. However, many Americans do believe that Donald Trump is the man that can put America on the right track. His business track record can speak for itself and in response to the people talking about his bankruptcy’s, yes that is a red flag but he was able to maneuver his way through this and come out on top in the end. He is also the strong conservative that will begin to point America back to its roots of democracy and minimal government interaction. This will allow the people to have more power over the country. He will allow the people to lead this nation and not the big corporations that have almost exclusively in the past. He will protect our second amendment, for he understands that laws only affect the law abiding citizens and punishing them for the actions of a criminal is not the way that we go about protecting our country. He will begin to stand up for our military and begin to demand reprisal from our allies for helping them with wars that are not ours to fight. This will bring it jobs, revenue, and a better ability to protect our land. He will completely change our foreign policy which is long overdue and that will change the face of our nation. Donald Trump is a man that everyone knows has a big mouth and a bad haircut, however, when you look at the root of the issues we are going through as Americans, we may need someone like him to Make America Great Again.