About three years ago, I came home from work to you. We laid on the studio floor, rolled around, and laughed at nothing for an hour. It was one of those moments that when you finally get back down to earth, you feel refreshed.
We were hungry, as always, and decided to go to the store to get stuff for dinner. As I got up to change into presentable clothes, you came up behind me, hugged me, and whispered, "I'm so happy."
...I never forgot it.
Why? Because that was the exact moment I knew I loved you...and with each day that goes by, I find myself loving you more.
Dating before you was damn near impossible. It was so hard to make deeper connections with anyone. I was so picky. So picky that I was constantly told I was too picky, but I stood my ground and never settled.
I was a hopeless romantic. I relied on instinctual feelings, and I just never had an instinct that left me excited to see someone again.
You immediately broke my barriers. I will never forget the first day we met because it was enough to build this beautiful, imperfect life together. The day we met was the day we became inseparable, and I think that's extremely rare.
I fell in love with you for your heart, the way we laughed together, and most importantly, the way we loved.
I did things with you I never thought I'd do, and I ended up with a relationship I wasn't even looking for. And I'm so glad I took those leaps of faith with someone like you.
There have been times I've been down on my knees, eye level with the devil, convinced that things will never get better...and you were next to me, making sure I knew I wasn't alone.
Whether you make me laugh, listen to me vent, let me cry, or tell me what I need to hear, you are always there.
That has always meant more to me than if there was a person out there in the world that could fix all of life's struggles with a click of a button.
You encourage me every single day. Even when you aren't intending too. Everytime you talk about our future, even if it's something little, it keeps me going.
So for that, I want to thank you.
Thank you for loving me when I'm irritable. Thank you for continuing to love me when things aren't perfect. Thank you for encouraging me and reminding me what I'm capable of when I get discouraged.
I love the person I can see myself being in the future with you.
No matter what goes on during the day, every night ends with us. And with that, I'm constantly reminded why I never settled. You were well worth the wait.
Our love is built off an undeniable chemistry, lots of laughing, unconditional love, a comfortable silence, and eating copious amounts of macaroni and cheese.
Through the best and worst moments in life, you are loved.
You are loved for everything you are, everything you do, and everything I know you are capable of being.
Thank you so much for being my person, my home, and my biggest fan.