Ah Twitter and the pronouncements of its new ruler. He is obviously 140 friendly.
The following is an analysis of and proof of His Tweenius by analyzing a select few tweets.
(Clearly I must know of what I speak since the above title sounds so academic).
How A Mushrooming Problem Solves Man Made Global Warming
Now the recent one on the nuclear arsenal has apparently sent the left scrambling for their safe spaces, or in the case of the uber rich, they are scrambling to their bomb proof shelters complete with yoga studios to de-stress during the nuclear winter with Ben and Jerry's latest flavor iodine fortified Plutonium Plunder. As the rest of us finger painters await our doom.
But the followers of the Deathocrats should not despair because all Mushroom clouds have a silver lining, especially if it involves a pipe. Surely they must realize that this is blessing in disguise. For if the world is doomed as the result of man made global warming what better way to solve the problem than man made Nuclear Winter, with the benefit of sending to their doom millions upon millions of deplorables. Oh what beautiful paradise awaits those bomb sheltered safe space Deathocrats on the other side of that event.
For Nuclear Winter having cooled the planet, and all those people gone, man made warming becomes near impossible.
However, what one must admit is most impressive about this strategy from the Golden One is how it brings right and left, conservative and liberal together. On the liberal left they are saved from their impending climate catastrophe and they the uber rich will be left, although their will be no Ubers for them to get anywhere. For the conservative right they get a whole bunch of new and fancy nuclear weapons. The proverbial win/win. The man is a Tweenius.